Saturday, November 22, 2008

County DA gets some SO love...

MARTINEZ, Calif. -- Contra Costa County Senior Deputy District Attorney Michael Gressett pleaded not guilty Friday to charges that he raped and sodomized a fellow prosecutor in May.

The charges, which were filed Friday in Martinez, include two counts rape, four counts sodomy, three counts forced sexual penetration, one count forced oral copulation, one count false imprisonment and one count of making criminal threats for allegedly threatening to kill the alleged victim, according to the complaint.

Gressett, 51, also faces multiple enhancements for allegedly tying up the alleged victim and using a handgun and an ice pick during the alleged assault.

If convicted, Gressett could face a life sentence, Deputy Attorney General Peter Flores said.

Because Gressett is a county prosecutor, the state attorney general's office was prosecuting the case.

"As firmly and uncategorically as anyone has ever entered a not guilty plea, we enter a not guilty plea," Gressett's attorney Michael Cardoza said in court.

"This false accusation has shaken me to the core," Gressett told a swarm of reporters outside the courthouse. "I know that the accuser knows these accusations are not true."

Gressett, who was one of the top sex crimes prosecutors in the county and has been an attorney since 1987, said that after so many years of prosecuting "bad guys and fighting to get ... the truth out" it was extremely difficult and painful to be on the other side.

The fact the he was falsely accused and that the state would take the investigation as far as they have, Gressett claimed, has shaken his faith in the criminal justice system.

"He didn't do anything to force sex upon this woman," Cardoza said.

According to Cardoza, Gressett and his accuser had a consensual romantic relationship on May 8 when the alleged assault occurred.

The woman waited four and a half months before reporting the alleged assault and then came forward with her accusations just after she found out her contract to work for the district attorney's office was not going to be renewed, Cardoza said.

Because she waited so long to report the alleged assault, all of the exculpatory evidence was gone, Cardoza said.

Gressett and his accuser had allegedly sent text messages to each other that would have revealed the nature of their relationship, but by the time she accused Gressett, those text messages had been deleted from the system, Cardoza said.

"As a prosecutor she would know that," Cardoza said.

Flores declined to comment on the reasons why the victim waited so long to report the alleged assault and declined to characterize the nature of their relationship.

The allegations were being investigated by the state attorney general's office, the Martinez Police Department and the district attorney's office, according to standard protocol, Flores said.

Cardoza, however, said he believed the district attorney's office should have stayed out of the investigation.

Gressett was arrested Oct. 2 and remains out of custody on $1 million bail. He was also ordered to stay away from the alleged victim.

Ahh, yes.. another caught in their own net.. good luck there dude, but ofcourse people like you don't need luck.. you have the system in your hand. And I thought that they are alleged victims until guilt is proven.. biased media again..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Erie Man Guilty Of Murdering Son's Accused Molester

ERIE, Pa. -- A northwestern Pennsylvania man has been convicted of third-degree murder for shooting a man who was accused of molesting the suspect's 10-year-old son. Terry Sherlock, 34, of Erie County, will face up to a 20- to 40-year prison sentence when he's sentenced Jan. 15 on the murder charge, and more time on four lesser charges including reckless endangerment. Erie County prosecutors said Sherlock purposely shot and killed 28-year-old Kenneth Himrod on Nov. 20, while Himrod was being investigated on allegations he molested Sherlock's son.Sherlock's attorney argued at trial that he killed Himrod in a rage and should have been convicted of the lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter. A jury Tuesday agreed with prosecutors instead.

Oh yeah, nothing punitive here. Just a killing... And this guy wasn't guilty.

Ok, for anyone reading this and saying, he was guilty, he was being investigated... Sorry folks, Mr. Himrod was under investigation, no indictment, no trial. Therefore in the eyes of the law he was innocent. America used to be a place where innocence was inferred until someone went to trial and was found guilty. Not anymore. We can try, convict, and punish BEFORE they ever go in front of a judge now!!

Victim's Rights.. Victim's Rights.. Oh whatever. It had not been proven that there was a victim yet. People will forget about that little fact.. Oh but I know the hate groups will forget to print that little fact...

All we can hope, is that Mr. Sherlock will get the maximum allowed sentence.

Teen In Trouble For Hugging Teacher

OLATHE, Kan. -- Olathe, Kan., police are investigating after a 13-year-old student hugged his teacher.

It happened on Nov. 11 at Chisolm Trail Junior High at 16700 W. 159th St.

The hug made the teacher feel uncomfortable, so she told the school's resource officer, who filed a police report.

Police were classifying the incident as a sex crime, said Officer Johnny Roland, the Olathe Police Department's public information officer.

Police wouldn't discuss the incident because it involved a juvenile, and school officials declined to comment.

Olathe parents were split about whether the student should be in trouble.

"I'm all for hugging kids. Kids deserve and require a lot of affection, but in a school setting, that really might not be an appropriate thing," said Karen Brown, a mother of three.

Brown said the teen was old enough to understand that might make his teacher feel uncomfortable.

"He should know where the boundaries lie, especially as he's becoming an adolescent," Brown said.

Denise Ketelle is also an Olathe mother.

"I have kids that are used to hugging other adults. We encourage that in our family. It's very natural for that to carry over in the schools."

What punishment, if any, the teen may face may never be known to the public because juvenile criminal records are kept confidential.

Have these people lost their fucking minds!?!

OK, 13 year old male. Yes, hormones are active, he's beginning to get those urges, growing a little facial hair. Probably having his voice crack a little on him. Ok, so I can see where he is beginning to become a 'man' physically. But claiming this is even REMOTELY close to a sex offense is so far in left field. These are supposed to be caring, nurturing people?

What the fuck is wrong with this teacher? And that Karen Brown woman.. How if you have affection for someone, not sexual, I mean that type of affection that children should have for their teachers, is this a sexually offensive act? Go ahead fuck-wads, put this kid on the registry, ruin his entire life.

A good talking to, or even a parent/teacher conference might have been in order. They are reporting that he is gonna be in trouble with the law? How is this possible??????

Congratulations America. You have completely and utterly changed the nation. We are now a nation of people that no longer are allowed to have social interaction. You should be proud of yourselves, you've fucked up the country...

'Think about the children!!'.. pffft, it is all about making the population afraid. These people don't give a shit about 'the children'

Declaration of Independance

If you have never read the Declaration of Independance, You should.

I spent 10 years in the military, took many classes in American and World History, but yet had never actually sat down and read the Declaration.

After reading it, along with the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, my conclusion is that everyone should be made to read them. All citizens should read and understand the most basic freedoms of America.

Here are the first few paragraphs of the Declaration. Read them, and remember the men that signed it, and were willing to lay down their lives to defend their decision.

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.