Saturday, May 30, 2009


Indentured Servant --
An indentured servant (also called a bonded laborer) is a labourer under contract of the employer in exchange for an extension to the period of their indenture, which could thereby continue indefinitely (normally it would be for seven years). In other cases, indentured servants were subject to violence at the hands of their employers in the homes or fields in which they worked.

In theory, the person is only selling his or her labor. In practice, however, indentured servants were basically slaves and the courts enforced the laws that made it so. The treatment of the servant was harsh and often brutal. In fact, the Virginia Colony prescribed "bodily punishment for not heeding the commands of the master." (Ballagh, 45) Half the servants died in the first two years. As a result of this type of treatment, runaways were frequent. The courts realized this was a problem and started to demand that everyone have identification and travel papers. (A.E. Smith 264-270).

Friday, May 29, 2009

Secret Service and Airport security rough up and detain a female Minister

For unknown reasons, a Female Minister was roughly pulled away from the Press line at LAX. This was a concerted effort from the Secret service and Airport Security. No Charges have been files against the good Reverend, and no reason giving for such a rough detainment.

Hmm, so now it is OK for the Government to physically assault members of the Clergy. Way to go boys, You've graduated to offending the church!!!

What has come of the World?

Ok folks, I know this isn't pornotube or what ever, but I found this incredibly weird, and somewhat funny. A 'Christian' dating service selling sex. Look at the picture and tell me what you see, cause all I see are cute faces and boobs. And no, you cannot judge either on her intellectual merits, as there is nothing to say that either isn't a sack of flour mentally.

This wasn't something I went looking for either. It was presented to me in a sidebar ad in my email. I wonder if this falls in the do as I say, not as I do type of philosophy?

Dirty Little Secrets

Ok folks.  Here's the plan.  If you are blogging, or not send me information about your congressional or State reps that is embarrassing.  If you blog and have published this already, send me a link so I can link it here (with full accreditation back to you ofcourse). 

This must be factual information, with atleast one accredited source.  I prefer Texas based officials, but will be happy to include all.  Lets shame their asses and see if they enjoy the spolight for a while.  If we can get enough blogs with the same info, we might be able to get some press involved as well. 

So come-on,  No shame is too big or too small here at SO's Shaming Shack!!!  Operators are standing by!

New Laws, New Punishment

As the years go by, most of us that are on the Registry see more and more 'restrictions' in our lives.  Yes, I know this is the home of the brave/free/bullshit-artists, but as American citizens our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms get washed away with each new pen stroke of State and Federal governments.

The time is now, and I mean NOW to start pushing back.  Start writing your Congressional and State officials.  Let them know that this onslaught of infringements must stop.  Explain to them that as individuals we are weak, but with 700,000 people on the registry, we are a force to be reckoned with.  Do not threaten them, but allow them to understand that WE have the power to change things, like what businesses we shop at.  What services we purchase, What country we live in.  Then STICK TO IT! Many of us have jobs that allow for purchasing power.  Let them know that.  Choose to live a meager lifestyle, save your money, and help to kill your local economy.  If any service advertises they are 'Predator' free (which is totally another discussion), then ask your friends, family NOT to purchase anything from them.  When school send home stuff for your child to sell, return it with a note saying that they infringe your parental rights, thus you will not support their causes.  When the Fire department holds its funds drive, refuse to donate.  Don't give them a fucking dime.

I cannot say this will financially harm them, but it might atleast make people start to think about things a bit more.  Another thing.  Ensure that if you are presently unemployed, or underemployed, you use any social service that you can get your hands on to pay your bills.  Medical, power, water, anything.  If they want to drive us into servitude, then they are going to have to pay for us as well.