Thursday, May 15, 2008

Civil Duties

Here's a topic that most of us do not think about. your Civil Duty. What's that, I have a Civil Duty? Yes, you do.

Obviously, each person needs to check with their local and state laws involving this, I have and I was quite surprised. There are many things that you can still do regarding your local, state, and federal governments. First and foremost, VOTE! Yes, I said a four letter word, but it is true. Some of us can still vote. Depending on your crime, and the ultimate resolution to it, you may still have the ability to vote. I tell you to do so. Every time you can actually. Voting is an inherent right of most Americans and I encourage you to use that right. Vote for the issues, vote for change. Call your Congressmen when you support or detract for an issue. Watch bills that are being looked at and call. get your family and friends to call as well.

"Oh my god, a sex offender is trying to take over the governmental process!"

No, that is not what I am attempting to do. I am encouraging all people, that have the power to vote, to do so. Do it often, and make your voice count. We as sex offenders sit around worrying about what 'they' are going to do to us. Worry about the new regulations and laws that are passed against us. Do not sit idly by and allow them to do so, without using your voice.

I know alot of you have been noticing laws coming into affect that for any other crime would be stricken down as un-constitutional. The back-dating of laws to include those that committed their crimes long before the enaction of Adam Walsh, or the other laws that they are saddling us with. But they go unchallenged. not because they are Constitutional, but because no one will stand up against them. A relative few people lobby to have these bills added to law, and a relative few can challenge them. pick up the phone, write a letter, tell the governing powers that be that you are STILL here and will no longer stand for the stripping of your rights as an American.

What about Victim's Rights you ask? Victim's Rights were exercised when you were tried and convicted/adjudicated through the Judicial System. They no longer have rights against you (barring court orders) after you have completed your commitment to the State. Advocates will always decry that this isn't true, and that victim's rights should always be used against us. If that is the case, then why do they not decry the rights of the killed or maimed against murderers? or against the victims of DUI? That is where their argument falls apart.

"But that isn't the same, Sexual offenses are the worst, most heinous crimes there are! There is none worse!"

I am sorry, but I must disagree here. The next time you really believe that someone's murdered wife or child is lessor than being a victim of sexual offense please find help. Yes, sexual crimes are terrible things but the taking of someone's life either through willful participation, or by drunken behaviors is the utmost grievous act that you can commit against someone. A sexual victim, although emotionally injured, can still go on and make something more for themselves. The Victim of Murder is gone forever. They do not have the choice to move on with themselves, they have gone from us. For those that truly feel that murder is lessor, again, please seek help for your mental shortcomings.

Sorry for the downer, however it needed to be said. For anyone that does not believe what I said, take a trip down to the local cemetery and look at all of the little graves of the children killed in DUI related crashes, or read the paper and think about a mother or family killed for the price of a TV... That should put it into perspective.

Until next time,

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