Monday, June 2, 2008

What to do...

Here's a question to roll around for a while. if a sex offender is forced to move, can we ultimately charge the expense back to taxes? I mean, it is a forced governmental act. hmm that would be something interesting now wouldn't it...

The KIDS act, wonder how that one is going to play out.. I will give the state my blogger information, but not my professional information. That would violate the SOX404 Laws, and we wouldn't want to do that now would we.

Where is the DUI registry? O was reading a terrible story about a drunk who hit a limo head one containing the family from a recent wedding (2 hours prior). He injuried most of the people in the car, also killed the driver and sadly a 7 y/o little girl was decapitated... man, now that sucks! What wil this asshole get out of it? 5 years, but oh yeah, he has a problem, a disease.. please feel sorry for this murderer won't you.. Where is his registry? nowhere ti seems, and happily, he will be able to drive again real soon on appeal... I hope he dies a slow and painful death for what he did.. bastard.

Hey, The US takes more rights away!! whoo hoo.. They are now updating the registry with email addresses, and IM 'handles'.. there is talk that they want to put devices on my computers and computers of other S.O.'s so they can monitor us.. hmm, think that will survive the Supreme Court.. 20 years ago, I would say no way in hell.. But since the Sheeple believe everything their government says, it probably will pass... I think it is time to move somewhere else, I'll take my family, tax dollars, job, and intelligence with me. To Hell with this country, Home of The Free, Bah...

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