Friday, July 11, 2008

The GW Bush Circus

Karl Rove Refuses to Comply with Congressional Subpoena

Man would I love to have this 'right'. This is the Congress of the United States ordering a citizen to testify. Here is a <cough>pardoned<cough> felon that has been told not to testify by Gov. Bush. WOW! So we have a crook, telling a felon (or is it the other way around) not to talk to Congress... Hmm, Man it must be nice to make up your own rules. Here's the text from


Karl Rove did not appear today
before the Congressional Committee that subpoenaed him to testify
regarding its investigation into the politicization of the White House,
including the Don Siegelman matter.

His lawyer, Robert Luskin, explains why here (pdf).
While Rove didn't claim any personal privilege, Luskin notes the White
House directed Rove not to appear. His letter includes a written letter
from the White House dated yesterday and two memorandums from the
Justice Department explaining why Rove, as a former close adviser to
the President, cannot be compelled to answer questions about matters
that arose during his tenure and relate to his official duties. Luskin
says Rove is immune from compelled Congressional testimony.[/quote]

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