Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lawmaker warns housing crisis could spill into voting booths

Posted: 04:05 PM ET

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Foreclosed homeowners trying to vote on November 4 could be challenged at the polls, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-California, warned Tuesday.

Foreclosure lists could be used to block voters from casting ballots on the grounds that the former homeowners fail to meet state residency requirements, she said.

She raised the issue at a House Judiciary Committee hearing where members were questioning FBI Director Robert Mueller on bureau operations.

Mueller promised to pass her concern to the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.
–From CNN Radio’s Dick Uliano

Are you shitting me? The government created this issue, they allowed these crap deals to be brokered by the lending institutions. And now we have a member of Congress stating that the lists can be used to stop citizens from voting? WTF!!!

yet another instance of government dis-associating the people that voted them into office..

How in the hell do we continue to allow these people to make our laws is beyond me...

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