LUSBY, Maryland (AP) -- A bruised and starving 7-year-old girl walking alone on a gravel road led investigators to an even grimmer discovery: remains in a basement freezer that her adoptive mother said were the youngster's sisters.
Authorities said Monday they believe the mother, Renee Bowman, is responsible for killing her other two daughters. The three girls were foster children in Bowman's care before she adopted them.
Sheriff's deputies were investigating an abuse complaint Saturday when they discovered the child-sized remains encased in ice. The mother told investigators they had been in her southern Maryland home's freezer for at least seven months and police said they are considering the case a homicide.
"We have reason to believe that's the two children in the freezer," said Lt. Bobby Jones of Calvert County Sheriff's Office. "We believe that the mother, who adopted the two children, is responsible for it."
Autopsies would need to be completed before authorities know for sure whether it is the girls, who would be 9 and 11.
Deputies made the gruesome find in Lusby, about 50 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. They were at the home with a search warrant to investigate what happened to a runaway 7-year-old girl who was found wandering the neighborhood, injured and hungry in a blood- and feces-soaked nightshirt.
Bowman, 43, has been arrested, and a judge ordered her held without bond. She is charged with first-degree in the beating of the 7-year-old.
"I asked if she was OK. She said no," said neighbor Phillip Garrett, who found the girl walking down the street. "She said, 'My mother beats me to death all the time."'
She escaped from a locked bedroom by jumping out a second-story window, and Bowman admitted beating her with a "hard-heeled shoe," officials said.
Bowman told detectives she brought the remains of her other daughters with her when she moved in February from Rockville, about 60 miles away. Montgomery County Police said they are investigating whether the deaths took place in Rockville and that detectives are trying to pin down when the older girls were last seen alive. Bowman has not been charged in the deaths.
The medical examiner's office in Baltimore planned to examine the freezer and its contents, but it was unclear how long it would take for the remains to thaw sufficiently.
Bowman was a foster mother to all three before adopting them in the District of Columbia, officials said at a news conference.
According to charging documents in Calvert County, the youngest girl went door-to-door looking for help Friday night.
The girl had open sores and lesions on her buttocks and lower thighs, marks on her neck made by a cord, rope or other item and bruises on her hands and lips, police said.
The girl was brought to a hospital. The Maryland Department of Human Resources planned to petition the court Tuesday to gain custody, said Nancy Lineman, an agency spokeswoman.
Garrett, 21, who lives two houses down from Bowman, said he brought the girl to a neighbor's house, called 911 and ordered her a pizza. She indicated she had last eaten on Tuesday when her father was at the home, said Garrett, who realized he had met her mother once and described her as "frazzled."
"She didn't seem like all her pieces were there," Garrett said.
Later Friday, authorities went to Bowman's modest, single-story house in the secluded, heavily wooded subdivision but nobody was home. Bowman showed up later at the sheriff's office and said she had locked her daughter in the child's bedroom.
She told the deputy who interviewed her about the 7-year-old's abuse "that she knew what she did was wrong," according to the charging documents. "She advised she (Bowman) was out of control and needed help."
Sheriff Mike Evans said the surviving girl was never enrolled in Calvert County Schools and that no trouble had ever been reported at the house. Bowman's only contact with the sheriff's department since she arrived was a traffic stop.
Lineman said her agency had no records to indicate the involvement of child-protective services with Bowman's family, but a review of statewide records has been ordered.
Evans said Bowman had a boyfriend who was cooperating with investigators. The boyfriend was a potential witness, but Evans would not comment on whether he was a suspect. He said the man did not live with Bowman and was not a father to her children.
No attorney had entered an appearance on Bowman's behalf Monday afternoon.
Bowman adopted the oldest girl in July 2001, D.C. officials said. Three years later, she adopted the girl who would now be 9 and her 7-year-old sister. She is not biologically related to them.
The title I chose is a bit misleading, but I'll bring it into line now. Here we have a country filled with people that scream for children's rights. They scream how Sex Offenders are the bane of all that is good, and everyone else would never think of harming a child.
Here we have yet another bit of proof that is doesn't take a sex offender to harm a child. A foster parent, one that is supposed to be above the average due to the ability to love and care for children that are not their own. A person that convictions for children are without question. A person, here, that again has proved everyone wrong... AGAIN!!
The country at large still believes that only strangers would hurt a child. That strangers would be the only cold blooded fucker to kill, or otherwise injure an innocent.
Well here's a fucking wakeup call Americans, More harm is inflicted on children in the home or from friends than from a stranger. you want proof, I give you Ms. Renee Bowman. Ms. Bowman regularly beat a 7 year old child with a HARD HEELED SHOE!?!?! Tied cords and rope around the childs neck!!!! Are you fucking kidding me? The child even reported that the mother "beat her to death all the time" ... "The child was found in a blood-stained, fecal soaked shirt..."
What in the holy fuck is wrong with people??
How can friends, neighbors, family NOT see this going on? What happened when the other two children turned up missing? No questions? No investigation? How can anyone seriously look at the facts stated above and say that Americans as a whole give a fuck about anything, unless the media tells them to?
Congress has yet to to pass a "Little Girl Beaten to Death" law, so no one gives a shit? Unbelievable. In this country, anyone and everyone screams how that terrible 19 year was sexually molesting that 17 year old girlfriend. How he should be locked up for a minimum of 25 years to life. Yet we have two communities that have totally abandoned this child, because they totally ignored what was happening. Please don't give any bullshit about "how could the community know?". I live in a nice newer home. It is energy efficient, and is of brick construction. Yet, I can hear every fight my kids get into, no matter what part of the yard I am in. Do not tell me that no one heard what was going on. This little girl was abandoned. know why? Because it was a family thing, it wasn't their business. If not one person in the area heard a little girl getting beat with a fucking hard heeled shoe, I will personally eat a baseball hat.
yeah, I might be a sex offender, but I've identified and worked through my problems. The rest of you fuckers in denial are in need of serious therapy. This is where we are now folks. The truth IS really out there. The majority of nowhere America could give a shit less, unless some hysteria has been started over acts such as this.
Any person that even thought something was going on with this child, and chose not to act is a worthless piece of shit. A 7 YEAR OLD CHILD!!! This truly boils me. How could anyone do this to another person? And then, How can anyone do this to a 7 year old? Questions that need to be asked, and will never be answered.
If you want to flame for what I said, go ahead, I am ready for this one. An objective opinion is needed here, as I would be the first person to put a round on target if given a chance.
See this article, which shows nobody gives a crap about anyone else. They just wanted pictures and videos of this kids suicide for the Internet!!!!!
Yes. I saw that this evening. Sick, repulsive people. And we are to believe they are the cornerstone of modern society? Sure..
We are truly a sick society, all of us. We are so wrapped up in our own enjoyment of things, a man attempting suicide is great entertainment..
I hope the troubled young man has finally found his peace. As for the people pushing him to jump, I hope their deaths are brutal, and without mercy.
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