Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old Ole' Boys in Action

DENVER -- A federal appeals court has dismissed complaints that a former federal judge in Denver solicited prostitutes and asked one of them to lie.

The Denver-based 10th Circuit said Thursday the judicial misconduct complaints against former Chief U.S. District Judge Edward W. Nottingham were moot because Nottingham has resigned.

Nottingham had been under investigation for more than a year on multiple counts of misconduct.

Thursday's announcement was the first public confirmation of the nature of the complaints against Nottingham. KUSA-TV in Denver had previously reported the specifics, including allegations that Nottingham viewed porn sites in his chambers, visited strip clubs and used the services of prostitutes.

Nottingham's attorney, Stephen Peterson, didn't immediately return a call.

Peterson said last week that Nottingham was remorseful, embarrassed and ashamed.

Nottingham presided over the insider trading trial of former Qwest Communications CEO Joe Nacchio.

Oh yeah, the good ole' boy network in full force. The ex-judge so much as admitted that he did frequent this prostitute. Now, seeing as the Federal judge has allowed the charges to be dropped, there will be very little that can be done in the area of ethics violations. How pathetic is this? A very open attempt by the courts to take care of their own. So now, Seeing as they have dropped the charges, the ex-judge will never be blessed with inclusion of the registry in any items that he might be facing. Justice? whatever.

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