Friday, November 14, 2008

Court upholds Iowa sex offender cohabitant law

Associated Press
8:50 AM CST, November 14, 2008

DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a law that bars single parents from living with sex offenders.

The case involves a Coralville woman who was found guilty of child endangerment and sentenced to one year probation. The woman, Holly Mitchell, lived with a convicted sex offender and let her children stay with the man while she was at work.

Mitchell appealed her conviction, claiming the state's law is unconstitutional because it treats people who are not married and living with a sex offender differently than people who are married and living with a sex offender.

The Supreme Court on Friday rejected that argument, saying it's reasonable to believe that an unmarried parent living with a sex offender poses a greater risk to a child than a parent who is married to a sex offender.

So now they say who we can and cannot live with? How is that constitutional..

There is this little thing called the Constitution that was just used to wipe the ass of the State Supreme Court... How in the hell can this be justified? I do not see in the story if dude was convicted of sexually offending against a minor,or what his conviction if for...

So can anyone else see a problem with this? Who you can live with, who you can't.. How is this law again? Truly speechless here. So now the State of Iowa is creating their own laws, making people live as the government wants, infringing on the rights of citizens...

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