Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Texas violates Bill of RIGHTS .. AGAIN!


A state representative from our area wants to bring the Texas sex offender registry into the 21st century.

David Leibowitz filed House Bill 22, which would make it easier to
identify sexual predators online. The bill is actually an amendment to
the current sexual offender registry law.

Leibowitz said with today's technology, changes to our current law need to be made.

If his bill passes, more information will be added to the current registry on the DPS website.

they register with the DPS database, they have to provide any e-mail
addresses they may have or any aliases," Leibowitz said.

That would include names on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook.

Leibowitz says he got the idea after watching Dateline's "To Catch A Predator" and doing his own research on MySpace.

bill will go to a house committee at the beginning of the year. If it
passes during this legislative session, it will go into effect in
September of 2009.


Yet another politician that wants to take MORE of our civil rights and flush them..  Have any of you fuckwads heard of the Bill of Rights?  You know, that piece of paper you are wiping your asses with on a daily basis..  yeah that one.  It mandates that ALL citizens of the United States have certain inalienable rights, and that rights not specifically named remain with the People, not with corrupt fucked up law makers. 

I will fight this fucking thing till I run out of money.  Fuck you Rep. Cumslobber, I can't wait to see your ass in court.

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