I, like many of you, have children that go to public School.
Where I live, the Superintendent is so kind when you are released from your probation/parole by sending you a letter stating that you will be arrested if you enter into the school grounds due to your appearance on the registry.
As you might guess, it makes it very difficult to pick up my small children from school, if I will be arrested for picking them up. Yes, interesting paradox wouldn't you say. Become responsible, keep your nose clean, do the right thing...
Well, it is very difficult to do the responsible thing, such as picking up the kids, if I am not capable of doing so. The problem here is, the letter, isn't even a law. However in the State of Texas, once you are warned about trespassing it is a felony to break that warning.
So how do I pick up the kids, without breaking this 'order'? I pick them up off school property. Not the greatest of setups I understand, but it keeps my kids safe (I can watch them leave the building), and it keeps me safe because I am not on their precious school grounds.
Something happened today that REALLY irritated me. I was sitting again at my normal spot waiting on the kids to walk down the sidewalk to get in the car, when this irritating old cunt decides to do the slow drive by. I understand in this world of bullshit information about SO's lurking in every bush, that she was probably in high alert for the ever lurking 'pedo'. I think though, that one of the most irritating parts of it, she continues to stare, and drives even slower as she rounds the corner, and CONTINUES TO LOOK AT ME and the car. I can see her reaching for her cell phone, and all the while thinking that today is the day that I have to explain to my SMALL children why dad cannot pick them up at the front door.
This irritates me greatly. In trying to live by these stupid retroactive laws, I lead myself into even more scrutiny. How poetic.
So tomorrow, I will handle things a bit differently. If this same woman drives by, I will make it a point to hang out of my window, flip her the bird, all the while scream at her to mind her own fucking business. Yeah, I am that tired of the bullshit.
So anyone out there reading this, that is an rSO and can pick their kids up directly from school remember, life could suck that much worse.
As for me, I will continue to pick up my kids there.. I am not violating any of their laws, tenets, or mis-information. If I do however see that bitch again, I am going to go out of my way to give her the finest one-fingered salute I can muster.

Where I live, the Superintendent is so kind when you are released from your probation/parole by sending you a letter stating that you will be arrested if you enter into the school grounds due to your appearance on the registry.
As you might guess, it makes it very difficult to pick up my small children from school, if I will be arrested for picking them up. Yes, interesting paradox wouldn't you say. Become responsible, keep your nose clean, do the right thing...
Well, it is very difficult to do the responsible thing, such as picking up the kids, if I am not capable of doing so. The problem here is, the letter, isn't even a law. However in the State of Texas, once you are warned about trespassing it is a felony to break that warning.
So how do I pick up the kids, without breaking this 'order'? I pick them up off school property. Not the greatest of setups I understand, but it keeps my kids safe (I can watch them leave the building), and it keeps me safe because I am not on their precious school grounds.
Something happened today that REALLY irritated me. I was sitting again at my normal spot waiting on the kids to walk down the sidewalk to get in the car, when this irritating old cunt decides to do the slow drive by. I understand in this world of bullshit information about SO's lurking in every bush, that she was probably in high alert for the ever lurking 'pedo'. I think though, that one of the most irritating parts of it, she continues to stare, and drives even slower as she rounds the corner, and CONTINUES TO LOOK AT ME and the car. I can see her reaching for her cell phone, and all the while thinking that today is the day that I have to explain to my SMALL children why dad cannot pick them up at the front door.
This irritates me greatly. In trying to live by these stupid retroactive laws, I lead myself into even more scrutiny. How poetic.
So tomorrow, I will handle things a bit differently. If this same woman drives by, I will make it a point to hang out of my window, flip her the bird, all the while scream at her to mind her own fucking business. Yeah, I am that tired of the bullshit.
So anyone out there reading this, that is an rSO and can pick their kids up directly from school remember, life could suck that much worse.
As for me, I will continue to pick up my kids there.. I am not violating any of their laws, tenets, or mis-information. If I do however see that bitch again, I am going to go out of my way to give her the finest one-fingered salute I can muster.
The USSC (I don't know the cite) says these SO laws are not ex post facto because they are not punishments.
BULLSHIT! They are punishments! And they are applied retroactively.
I pled to an attempted charge and was sentenced (after prison) to register once a year for ten years. Now, after serving my time they change the law and magically I'm a "violent" offender and must register quarterly for LIFE!
Fuck this shit & this government!
husband given right to supervised visits with bio daughter and russian adopted son, so I as his wife was the supervisee and we followed the bond law to the "T" he did not see the other adopted daughter when we were together. The pros. atty. said I did nothing wrong, but I followed the bond rules however I didn't follow the "spirit"of the bond. have you ever heard of that? i told him that I wished the judge had made the spirit a little more clear. when husband finishes 3yr 3mth "duty" he will have probation and the same supervised visitation of those approved by the probation officer (don't know if they'll approve me even if I'm the sole custodial parent). Interestingly nightmarish.
"The pros. atty. said I did nothing wrong, but I followed the bond rules however I didn't follow the "spirit"of the bond."
Personally I think the Prosecutor is full of shit.
If the judge spelled out the visitation, and how it was to be handled then the DA doesn't have shit to do with it. Get your Attorney on his ass.
People, Stop fearing the D.A.'s and the Barney Fife's out there. If you are doing as the law prescribes, are off paper, are no longer offending against anything or anyone, then they can't do anything legally against you.
I will say, that in your husband's case, if he is on paper, he has to follow whatever probationary rules or regs they hand him. But once off, you can tell them to go fuck themselves and they can't do shit about it.
As for you, ensure that you keep to the rules of the bond, and tell the D.A. that you are doing such. If he continues with this 'spirit' bullshit, tell him to either call Ghostbusters or to get a clarification from the judge. The judge is who writes the bonds, and allows such things, NOT the D.A.
"The USSC (I don't know the cite) says these SO laws are not ex post facto because they are not punishments.
BULLSHIT! They are punishments! And they are applied retroactively.
I pled to an attempted charge and was sentenced (after prison) to register once a year for ten years. Now, after serving my time they change the law and magically I'm a "violent" offender and must register quarterly for LIFE!
Fuck this shit & this government!
March 13, 2009 9:39 PM"
SCOTUS stated the registries were not exposte facto. But that was a long time ago. 2003. With the addition of all of the new punitive items put in with the registry now, it might not be so easy for them to decide.
The decision gave the Fed and States the boost of machismo that they really wanted, and thus they began in earnest their residency restrictions, the inclusion of THOUSANDS of folks just like you, the 'child safety' zones.. (sorry folks that always gives me a laugh)
I can only hope that in my life-time, I will see it change, and I hope for that for you as well. Keep your head up, If you have learned from your mistake and have corrected your life then everyday you move forward you are pissing all over their ideas and beliefs. That gives me some joy from time to time.
The cases are Smith v. Doe, 01-729 and Connecticut Dept. of Public Safety v. Doe, 01-1231
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