Thursday, June 18, 2009

Excerpt: Is an unjust government better than no government at all?

I found this in browsing. It is a term paper excerpt that I found to be very telling. If your government is unjust, is that better than NO government at all?

My answer is this. It is my opinion that no government is above its people, and when a government stands to defraud its people of Liberty and Happiness granted them by the founders of that nation, then THAT government is unjust. Having an unjust government is far worse than no government at all, because eventually with no government majority rule will apply and a standard set rules or laws would be developed; However, an unjust government does not allow reasonable, majority rule to become the law of the land. An unjust government creates laws to keep themselves in power, and to disallow a peaceful overturning of the ruling class for that of the majority. This is why certain checks need to be put into place NOW. Solidly set term limits for all elected officials. The President currently have one, but Congress nor the Supreme Court have one for themselves. This needs to change. Representatives should be allowed 3 terms maximum, Senators should be allowed 6 terms maximum, giving both a 12 year maximum in which to pass law, and govern. The Supreme Court should not be a lifetime appointment. I feel that the supreme court should have no more than a 10 year seating on the bench in Washington.

Another thing that truly needs to change is the lifetime retirement given to those elected officials. Under no circumstances are we indebted to any elected official as a whole. Their reigns have been what has devastated us over the last 50 years.

Is an unjust government better than no government at all?

I do not agree that an unjust government is better than no government at all. Is it really logical to give your allegiance to a country whose government violates principles of fairness? I would have to agree with St. Augustine's famous quote, "an unjust law us no law at all," and therefore I think that an unjust government is no government at all.


a.) IF YOUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT LOYAL TO YOU THEN YOU DO NOT OWE IT YOUR ALLEGIANCE. I do feel that one has a moral responsibility to obey just laws, but I also feel that one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
1 For example, America would still be just a province of Great Britain if it wasn't for our forefathers who stood up and rebelled against the laws which were clearly unjust.
2 If it was acceptable for them to rebel, then it is definitely acceptable now.
3 We are all under the assumption that the laws of the land are in place......

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