I found this very interesting article regarding John Walsh and AMW. It is from 1992, but still something that should not be allowed to fall of the Web. Have a look.
Story Link

Nowadays one can be portrayed as a wanton murderer on a nationally televised program, get killed by police less than 48 hours later, and have the nation invited by television to applaud the death within the week.
That fate befell Cesar Mazariego-Molina, 26, an undocumented worker from El Salvador, who L.A. County sheriff's deputies said killed rookie Sheriff's Deputy Nelson Yamamoto in a gun battle. Less than two days after the case was featured on the TV program America's Most Wanted, New York State police killed him with a shotgun blast to the back of the head.
Story Link
This is BS, tell the victims about
your rights. You are RSO, in my book you have no rights, your lower than dirt and you are nothing more than trash.
You have no rights to comment on HaLeigh or any other missing child for that matter. I pray that your girls are safe from you. and sad that they have a father and grandfather that is a monster.
I am sure this will be deleted.
But I am having my say. you jerk.
AHAHA.. Ok, I had to post that comment. In reply to the above moron that knows absolutely nothing about ME, nor my crime I say go back into the shadows and die you pathetic internet troll. My girls are completely safe with me as are any child within distance of me. so go fuck yourself on that. As you were too cowardly to post a blog or a email address where i could privately berate you I will put it here.
I along with anyone else have all the right in the world to comment on anything that we want to. I do find it terribly troubling that a little person, whether boy or girl was harmed or injured by someone else. that I want to make clear. As far as commenting on the father of this little girl, The guy is an asshole and should be in jail. He himself is a sex offender, but just like Mark Lundsford in the SAME STATE he is given a pass because his child mysteriously vanished.
As far as you commenting on this site, and attempting to tell me I have no rights, I say to you that no matter what I have don in my life, I am still a citizen of the United States and I DO have rights. People like you on the other hand, the ones that attempt to threaten, harm, or hunt others for things they did years past need to be tracked as well, for YOU are the real danger to society. You do your best to pass false information in attempts to rob others of their rights. I say to you, unless YOU want to lose your rights one day I suggest you stop with the bullshit lies and start understanding that not all people are monsters and that MOST of us have learned from our past mistakes and everyday try to make better to the world for anything that we have, or might have done.
Good Day to You Shill,
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