I was reading some news and came across this very disturbing story. Regarding Haleigh Cumming's father and a dispute he has with his new father-in-law. The disturbing aspect of this is two fold. First, do you see how quickly the story has disappeared from the front page now that the only suspects are family members? Second, why is the father, in his deranged way, doing revenge hits on a mailbox when he should be out looking everywhere for his daughter?
Here is the problem I have. As a father of girls, I would be sleeping in tents, walking to every house I could find with flyers, pictures, anything that would help find my child. I would quit my job to search for ANY of my children or Grandchildren. It is very telling of a parent that runs out to marry a teen-aged 'girlfriend' just weeks after your child has disappeared. Does it say something of what became of Haleigh? Does it say something to WHO is involved? I find it all disgusting and in poor taste. Something happened to this child, and it had nothing to do with a Sex Offender uncle from Tennessee taking her. These two know what happened, maybe they had a drug induced violent outburst, maybe the child got into their drugs, or maybe, just maybe they were under full control of their facilities and harmed the child. Whichever happened, it is time to take these two behind the barn and get some answers. As an rSO, I am tired of being scared every time some low-rent human decides to off their kids, then scream a sex offender took them.. I grow weary of cops showing up at my house, and I REALLY despise the disregard they have for me as a person by not coming BACK and saying that they were sorry they violated my rights as a citizen by harassing me.
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Here is the problem I have. As a father of girls, I would be sleeping in tents, walking to every house I could find with flyers, pictures, anything that would help find my child. I would quit my job to search for ANY of my children or Grandchildren. It is very telling of a parent that runs out to marry a teen-aged 'girlfriend' just weeks after your child has disappeared. Does it say something of what became of Haleigh? Does it say something to WHO is involved? I find it all disgusting and in poor taste. Something happened to this child, and it had nothing to do with a Sex Offender uncle from Tennessee taking her. These two know what happened, maybe they had a drug induced violent outburst, maybe the child got into their drugs, or maybe, just maybe they were under full control of their facilities and harmed the child. Whichever happened, it is time to take these two behind the barn and get some answers. As an rSO, I am tired of being scared every time some low-rent human decides to off their kids, then scream a sex offender took them.. I grow weary of cops showing up at my house, and I REALLY despise the disregard they have for me as a person by not coming BACK and saying that they were sorry they violated my rights as a citizen by harassing me.
Ronald Cummings, father of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, stuffed a dead rat into his new father-in-law's mailbox, Hank Croslin told the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.
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