Are Americans really this stupid? Again and again I read that Americans truly believe that there is a high re-offense rate of sex offenders once they are through with Therapy and their sentences. Here is a comment from a recent news story:
Is this person making things up, or does he know something that someone else doesn't. Again and again we have seen study after study that presents facts about the re-offense rates of rSO's. And the facts cannot lie. The University of Washington, The DoJ, and several scholars have also pointed out the incredibly low re-offense rate of offenders.
However, due to the sensationalist writers of the media, you never hear of such things and thus the myth of high re-offense remains. So I challenge all of you that read here, When you see a article about the lie of high re-offense, or if you see a idiotic comment such as that above, reply to it and show the facts. Call these morons to the carpet and lash them with the real truth. Making someone look like an idiot truly does brighten one's day.
DoJ report
3.5% Re-Offense rate

To Saffman: I don't know the registry laws in VT, but in MA a person convicted of a level one offense (public urination, etc.) are NOT listed. It is is only the level 2 and 3 offenders. And they SHOULD be listed, because they have a very high rate of re-offending. And sorry, but most of the people CANNOT be helped. And way to go for blaming parents for a sex offenders "mistake"...let me guess, it's the kid's fault, too?
Is this person making things up, or does he know something that someone else doesn't. Again and again we have seen study after study that presents facts about the re-offense rates of rSO's. And the facts cannot lie. The University of Washington, The DoJ, and several scholars have also pointed out the incredibly low re-offense rate of offenders.
However, due to the sensationalist writers of the media, you never hear of such things and thus the myth of high re-offense remains. So I challenge all of you that read here, When you see a article about the lie of high re-offense, or if you see a idiotic comment such as that above, reply to it and show the facts. Call these morons to the carpet and lash them with the real truth. Making someone look like an idiot truly does brighten one's day.
DoJ report
3.5% Re-Offense rate
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