Read two very different articles last night from the news. The first one dealt with a 33 year old female volunteer scout master having "unforced' sex with a 16 year scout. The article named the ACCUSED, placed her picture in the article, and basically proceeded to make all sorts of toned down remarks on the alleged crime. What I found most striking about it, the comments section. People although condemning her actions, or alleged actions were very supportive of the idea of an older female with a late teen boy. Unlike what comments have been in the past when the roles were reversed.
The second article dealt with a 9 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. THe alleged offender, and his alleged victim were neither named, however the coments were much more harsh, calling the 9 year old boy child a monster, terrible, and some even saying that he should be kill "to stop him from ding it again" .
This is troubling. A 9 year old child who probably had limited knowledge of what he was doing is a monster, yet a 33 year old female is just a little mis-understood? How does that work out again?
While I find both behaviors troubling at best, I clearly see the outcome of decades of programming by NOW, Code Pink, et. al. citing the fragility of the female species on one hand, but how they should be giving equal status in the world on the other. A 33 year old male would not have been treated in the same way. In the past, 33 year old men in the same situation are "Monsters", "evil", "perverts"; While females, no matter what the age are "mis-understood", "Abused at home", "seeking to escape from wrongs in her current relationship". Grow the fuck up people. Your misguided, uneducated stance on all things Sexually Related are so infantile it is sickening. Either label all as the same or sit down, and shut the fuck up on the matter.
Most women are more evil in the area of Sexual assault, due to the planning of the assault, their ignoring of multiple parental and adult programming traits, while men are more driven by power and sexual attraction alone.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Haleigh's Step mom Flunks Poly
Very interesting. SHe says that her uncle, who is a registered sex offender in Tennessee is the one that took Haleigh, However it now looks like Misty Cummings might have been involved, and the Uncle had nothing to do with it. After several hours questioning, The Uncle was released from Questioning and the questions are now pointing straight back to the bimbo 17 year old. Her stories are not following any consistent manner, and well it looks like folks, she is lying through her teeth.
Very interesting, however if you look at past articles both here and at other rSO related blogs, you will see we called it first folks. Just another example that these assholes will try anything to get away with doing something harmful to a child, and then find an easily accessible target like an rSO to blame.
Here is a Topix post, although you can find several media outlets that will confirm the story. you can also use that C-Hunt, Nancy Grace, although I don't suggest it, even if this time she is using her media presence to show some truth.
So now, we get some interesting info, the under-aged girlfriend/baby-sitter/now step mom has a jealousy streak about a 5 year old child, she was the last adult to see her, AND she fails a polygraph directly relating to issues and questions about Haleigh's disappearance. hmm, starting to sound a bit fishy? Thought so.
Oh and P.S. to the wonderful person that commented on an earlier posting here please think before you come on here and rant again. As you see, I am showing the world that their pathetic excuses, and their out-right lies about most of us are unfounded, and lead to months of effort being totally misplaced. As an rSO, just like others that are, we can spot bullshit. The story that the 17 year old tart, Misty, was giving didn't jive for a moment, and we knew that something more was amiss with her. No, we don't have all of the answers, however the therapy that WE go through actually helps us spot bullshit lies by others. Misty is bullshitting you, but she didn't bullshit US.
Ronald needs to come out about what he's hiding as well. he knows something, he wouldn't have been redirecting the question from N. Grace if he didn't. Whether there was an accident involved, or some sort of drug-induced rage, both of these people need to come clean soon, else dead or alive that child will never be found.
Misty Cummings says she does not regret taking the tests. She also feels she passed them, even though the independent test administrators say she failed them.
Very interesting, however if you look at past articles both here and at other rSO related blogs, you will see we called it first folks. Just another example that these assholes will try anything to get away with doing something harmful to a child, and then find an easily accessible target like an rSO to blame.
Here is a Topix post, although you can find several media outlets that will confirm the story. you can also use that C-Hunt, Nancy Grace, although I don't suggest it, even if this time she is using her media presence to show some truth.
So now, we get some interesting info, the under-aged girlfriend/baby-sitter/now step mom has a jealousy streak about a 5 year old child, she was the last adult to see her, AND she fails a polygraph directly relating to issues and questions about Haleigh's disappearance. hmm, starting to sound a bit fishy? Thought so.
Oh and P.S. to the wonderful person that commented on an earlier posting here please think before you come on here and rant again. As you see, I am showing the world that their pathetic excuses, and their out-right lies about most of us are unfounded, and lead to months of effort being totally misplaced. As an rSO, just like others that are, we can spot bullshit. The story that the 17 year old tart, Misty, was giving didn't jive for a moment, and we knew that something more was amiss with her. No, we don't have all of the answers, however the therapy that WE go through actually helps us spot bullshit lies by others. Misty is bullshitting you, but she didn't bullshit US.
Ronald needs to come out about what he's hiding as well. he knows something, he wouldn't have been redirecting the question from N. Grace if he didn't. Whether there was an accident involved, or some sort of drug-induced rage, both of these people need to come clean soon, else dead or alive that child will never be found.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cop gets NO CHARGES for sending Lewd pictures to strangers...
MARICOPA – A police officer was fired after allegedly showing lewd pictures of himself to strangers.
Officer fired after sending lewd pics -'s Jared Dillingham reports a police office is fired after showing lewd photos of himself to strangers.
3TV just got a stack of documents outlining the allegations against Officer Martice Berry. He is not being charged with any crimes, just conduct unbecoming of an officer and it is enough for the City of Maricopa to fire him.
Witnesses started coming forward over the last few months-claiming officer Berry was taking pictures of his genitals on his cell phone before sending them to women trying to convince them to have sex with him.
The Internal Affairs report says the officer's unprofessional behavior happened while on duty.
Investigators say Officer Berry hit on a number of women using his job to get dates, once while investigating a suicide and two other times at Maricopa City Hall.
The officer is also accused of harassing two married couples and hitting on a 16-year-old girl who he kissed at a gym.
When confronted with the allegations in June, Officer Berry denied them but his bosses thought he was lying and he has now been fired.
One of the investigating officers reports Officer Berry was found guilty of doing the same thing at his last law enforcement job in Michigan.
Yay, another pig gets away with no charges again.. I guess this is really another case of haves and have nots. This guy has the goods on other cops, just as they all do, and here we see the kid gloves come out.
Link Here
Yet Another Innocent caught in the Witch Hunt..
Be Proud America, you put a man in Prison for over 20 years because of your witch hunt. He needs to sue the 'victim' and everyone that came against him.
Full Story Here

Ernest Sonnier was 23 when he was arrested and charged with rape and kidnapping. He was taken in handcuffs from his Houston home and didn’t leave prison for another 23 years.
A week and a half ago, at the age of 46, Sonnier was freed after essentially being told by prosecutors, sorry – but we now inform you that DNA evidence we’ve just gotten around to checking indicates you did not commit this crime...
Full Story Here
Friday, August 14, 2009
America's Most Wanted
I found this very interesting article regarding John Walsh and AMW. It is from 1992, but still something that should not be allowed to fall of the Web. Have a look.
Story Link

Nowadays one can be portrayed as a wanton murderer on a nationally televised program, get killed by police less than 48 hours later, and have the nation invited by television to applaud the death within the week.
That fate befell Cesar Mazariego-Molina, 26, an undocumented worker from El Salvador, who L.A. County sheriff's deputies said killed rookie Sheriff's Deputy Nelson Yamamoto in a gun battle. Less than two days after the case was featured on the TV program America's Most Wanted, New York State police killed him with a shotgun blast to the back of the head.
Story Link
What ever happened to Haleigh?
I was reading some news and came across this very disturbing story. Regarding Haleigh Cumming's father and a dispute he has with his new father-in-law. The disturbing aspect of this is two fold. First, do you see how quickly the story has disappeared from the front page now that the only suspects are family members? Second, why is the father, in his deranged way, doing revenge hits on a mailbox when he should be out looking everywhere for his daughter?
Here is the problem I have. As a father of girls, I would be sleeping in tents, walking to every house I could find with flyers, pictures, anything that would help find my child. I would quit my job to search for ANY of my children or Grandchildren. It is very telling of a parent that runs out to marry a teen-aged 'girlfriend' just weeks after your child has disappeared. Does it say something of what became of Haleigh? Does it say something to WHO is involved? I find it all disgusting and in poor taste. Something happened to this child, and it had nothing to do with a Sex Offender uncle from Tennessee taking her. These two know what happened, maybe they had a drug induced violent outburst, maybe the child got into their drugs, or maybe, just maybe they were under full control of their facilities and harmed the child. Whichever happened, it is time to take these two behind the barn and get some answers. As an rSO, I am tired of being scared every time some low-rent human decides to off their kids, then scream a sex offender took them.. I grow weary of cops showing up at my house, and I REALLY despise the disregard they have for me as a person by not coming BACK and saying that they were sorry they violated my rights as a citizen by harassing me.
Story Here

Here is the problem I have. As a father of girls, I would be sleeping in tents, walking to every house I could find with flyers, pictures, anything that would help find my child. I would quit my job to search for ANY of my children or Grandchildren. It is very telling of a parent that runs out to marry a teen-aged 'girlfriend' just weeks after your child has disappeared. Does it say something of what became of Haleigh? Does it say something to WHO is involved? I find it all disgusting and in poor taste. Something happened to this child, and it had nothing to do with a Sex Offender uncle from Tennessee taking her. These two know what happened, maybe they had a drug induced violent outburst, maybe the child got into their drugs, or maybe, just maybe they were under full control of their facilities and harmed the child. Whichever happened, it is time to take these two behind the barn and get some answers. As an rSO, I am tired of being scared every time some low-rent human decides to off their kids, then scream a sex offender took them.. I grow weary of cops showing up at my house, and I REALLY despise the disregard they have for me as a person by not coming BACK and saying that they were sorry they violated my rights as a citizen by harassing me.
Ronald Cummings, father of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, stuffed a dead rat into his new father-in-law's mailbox, Hank Croslin told the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.
Story Here
Child Kidnapped, Police Looking for shadows
Here is a story that is beginning to sound all to familiar. Child is left in a car by parents (or parent) and mysteriously after only 'a few minutes' the child disappears. This scam is happening more and more across the country as people attempt to get over with the fear of a kidnapper, or a sex offender, grabbing their kid. 15 years ago the authorities would have lost no time in grabbing up both of these assholes and putting thumb screws on them to find this little boy. But today, due in no small part to the myth of sex offenders grabbing kids, the police spend the first precious 48 hours handing out flyers and canvassing areas looking for this child. How many rSO's have they woken up out of bed or detained illegally so far because of the hysteria caused by the ilk of John Walsh and Family Watchdog? headline below, with link to full story.
Story Here
I hope the child is found, but I fear that too much time has been wasted by police looking for shadows instead of forcing the parents to confess their guilt. My Opinion obviously..

OAKLAND, CA (KGO) -- Family members of a missing disabled Fremont boy are hoping someone can help find him. Police say 5-year-old Hasanni Campbell was last seen in Oakland two days ago. He has cerebral palsy, but family members say he doesn't have leg braces on the outside of his pants.
Story Here
I hope the child is found, but I fear that too much time has been wasted by police looking for shadows instead of forcing the parents to confess their guilt. My Opinion obviously..
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The myth of the high re-offense rate
Are Americans really this stupid? Again and again I read that Americans truly believe that there is a high re-offense rate of sex offenders once they are through with Therapy and their sentences. Here is a comment from a recent news story:
Is this person making things up, or does he know something that someone else doesn't. Again and again we have seen study after study that presents facts about the re-offense rates of rSO's. And the facts cannot lie. The University of Washington, The DoJ, and several scholars have also pointed out the incredibly low re-offense rate of offenders.
However, due to the sensationalist writers of the media, you never hear of such things and thus the myth of high re-offense remains. So I challenge all of you that read here, When you see a article about the lie of high re-offense, or if you see a idiotic comment such as that above, reply to it and show the facts. Call these morons to the carpet and lash them with the real truth. Making someone look like an idiot truly does brighten one's day.
DoJ report
3.5% Re-Offense rate

To Saffman: I don't know the registry laws in VT, but in MA a person convicted of a level one offense (public urination, etc.) are NOT listed. It is is only the level 2 and 3 offenders. And they SHOULD be listed, because they have a very high rate of re-offending. And sorry, but most of the people CANNOT be helped. And way to go for blaming parents for a sex offenders "mistake"...let me guess, it's the kid's fault, too?
Is this person making things up, or does he know something that someone else doesn't. Again and again we have seen study after study that presents facts about the re-offense rates of rSO's. And the facts cannot lie. The University of Washington, The DoJ, and several scholars have also pointed out the incredibly low re-offense rate of offenders.
However, due to the sensationalist writers of the media, you never hear of such things and thus the myth of high re-offense remains. So I challenge all of you that read here, When you see a article about the lie of high re-offense, or if you see a idiotic comment such as that above, reply to it and show the facts. Call these morons to the carpet and lash them with the real truth. Making someone look like an idiot truly does brighten one's day.
DoJ report
3.5% Re-Offense rate
Friday, July 31, 2009
More proof the Public is too stupid ...
This guy's a real winner.. I hope he gets to see what real cops do for a living very soon...
Link here

Link here
A Johnson County man who is charged with carrying a fake police badge said he never claimed to be a police officer, but needed the badge to conduct pedophilia investigations.
Rick Monsour, of Joshua, was arrested Friday and charged with carrying false police identification. He was released from the Johnson County jail on a $25,000 bond, police said.
It's a legal badge," he said. “They took it away from me and put me in jail for it. And that's terrible. It's a big mistake."
In an interview on his front lawn Thursday, Monsour said he founded a nonprofit group in March called “Victims Who Kick Your Ass” to help police conduct pedophilia investigations.
Richard Monsour, of Joshua, was arrested carrying a fake police badge, police said.
He is the group’s self-appointed president.
Monsour said he was a victim of sexual abuse as a child.
He said his group has not yet conducted any investigations in Texas but has worked on two in Louisiana.
In Joshua, police said they do their own investigations and arrested Monsour for carrying the authentic-looking badge.
"We just want all the citizens to know that Richard Monsour is not a part of the Joshua Police Department," said Lt. Leland Cheek.
Monsour was arrested after he allegedly went door-to-door, flashed his badge and asked residents about a woman who may have been a former girlfriend, police said.
The badge included the city's name and identified Monsour as an “investigator," Cheek said.
His arrest hardly came as a shock to his neighbors.
"It doesn't surprise me one bit,” said neighbor Nancy Green. “There's been more crazy things going on next door than anyone could imagine."
Green and other neighbors said Monsour moved into his house on Bentley Street several years ago claiming he was a victim of Hurricane Katrina.
But the more he talked, they said, the less they believed him.
“There’s just so many things he has told people that are totally untrue,” said neighbor Kim Smith.
“He’s said he was friends with the pope,” added her husband, James.
But he didn’t stop there, neighbors said.
“He’s told us that he’s in the FBI and the CIA,” James Smith said.
“He said he was in the KKK and proud of it,” Kim Smith said.
At various times, he also claimed to be a paramedic and a law student, neighbors said.
Monsour denied ever telling neighbors he was a federal agent, a lawyer or a Klan member.
“That’s crazy,” he said. “I don’t even know my neighbors.”
He said he did train to be an emergency medical technician but never actually worked as one.
Monsour said he knows the pontiff and receives Christmas cards from the Vatican. He said he does not consider the two of them to be friends.
He said he was stuck on the Louisiana coast for three weeks after Hurricane Katrina came ashore.
Monsour showed a Louisiana driver’s license with his name, picture and an address in Pearl River, which is where the hurricane first made landfall.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A very well written article..
From The Texas Policy Foundation
Titled Robbed of a job
Written by Mark Levin, Director, Center for Effective Justice
Isn;t this what everyone except the Special Interests and the vigiantes have been saying all along. Problem is, There are no thinkers in the Legislature, only brainless moron bent on votes, money, and re-election. Let's see if we can't surprise one or two of them in the coming few elections.
Titled Robbed of a job
Written by Mark Levin, Director, Center for Effective Justice
Since the Foundation launched the Center for Effective Justice in 2005, we have identified policy solutions to reduce recidivism and limit the scope of criminal law. Similar concerns led Florida Governor Jeb Bush to issue a 2006 executive order requiring state agencies to justify barriers preventing ex-offenders from entering licensed occupations.
This is a problem in Texas because we have so many licensed occupations and so many criminal offenses that can potentially bar someone from receiving or maintaining a license. Texas has more than 2,000 criminal offenses and over 150 state-licensed occupations. Some 20 percent of Texas adults—4.7 million people—have a criminal record that would appear in a background check. Yet, ex-offenders who are employed are three to five times less likely to reoffend.
Texas law allows for revocation or denial of a license if a person has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that “directly relates” to the occupation, but this is often interpreted overly broadly. A conviction for drug possession, for instance, is deemed to be directly related to being a water-well driller, vehicle inspector, mortician or embalmer, and barber.
Locksmiths’ licenses are automatically revoked or denied for most offenses—one locksmith who hadn’t drank in a decade lost his license in 2006 for a 1994 DWI conviction. Yet, research has shown that a person with a conviction seven years or older is no more likely to re-offend than anyone else.
What is the motivation for these barriers? Are they to protect the public, punish ex-offenders again, or restrict competition?
We criticized proposals last session that would have added new licensed occupations, including lactation consultants, sheetmetal workers, and auto mechanics. Economics tells us that excessive barriers to entry—whether through licensing new occupations or excluding otherwise qualified professionals—will reduce the labor supply and increase the costs to consumers. Whether you are an advocate of free markets or second chances, or both, that’s reason to take offense.
Isn;t this what everyone except the Special Interests and the vigiantes have been saying all along. Problem is, There are no thinkers in the Legislature, only brainless moron bent on votes, money, and re-election. Let's see if we can't surprise one or two of them in the coming few elections.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
All we hear is garbage...
Over the last few days, American's have been given confirmation of what they already suspected. The Bush Administration was running black-ops programs with the CIA in the lead, but was holding the information back from every other organization. Alot of laws, rules, and other items were passed, all with out the benefit of true intelligence over the 8 years Dubya was in the Big House.
Now, loot back at the laws that govern all of us, the rSO... They are too based on garbage, lies, and information withheld from the greater population. All to ensure they get their next set of laws passed, to make sure the sub-class of humans, they call Sex Offender, continues to feel the full force of ever oppressive laws...
To be sure, Government, both federal and state, has definitely found its stride when lying to the public.. I wonder though, for how much longer they can continue the charade...
Now, loot back at the laws that govern all of us, the rSO... They are too based on garbage, lies, and information withheld from the greater population. All to ensure they get their next set of laws passed, to make sure the sub-class of humans, they call Sex Offender, continues to feel the full force of ever oppressive laws...
To be sure, Government, both federal and state, has definitely found its stride when lying to the public.. I wonder though, for how much longer they can continue the charade...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Yes, This is what we have become ...
TORRINGTON, Conn. — A 16-year-old girl thought she heard her mother being assaulted by her boyfriend and rounded up some friends who beat him up, only to learn later that the couple actually were having sex, the woman and police said.
The girl misinterpreted the woman's amorous screams, and she and four other teens went to the woman's bedroom in the Torrington home on June 6, police Lt. Bruce Whiteley said Thursday. One of the teens beat the 25-year-old man with a bat and others punched him, police said. He suffered a black eye and several bruises.
The girl, two 17-year-old boys and Dilyen Langdeau, 19, of Torrington, were arrested Tuesday night and arraigned in Bantam Superior Court on Wednesday. Langdeau was charged with assault and conspiracy; the teens face similar counts. The fifth teenager was not charged.
A judge sealed the police report. The names of the girl and the two boys were not released because of their ages.
The 34-year-old woman, Melanie Arnold, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the girl is her daughter. Arnold denied she was screaming, and said her daughter thought she heard a slap and believed an assault was happening.
"Instead of asking what was going on, they assumed and took matters into their own hands," Arnold said. "Now they have to learn a lesson."
The teens knocked on the bedroom door and Arnold opened it, according to the couple, who recently broke up.
The teens rushed into the room and the man, Roger Swanson, said he didn't have a chance to explain himself. He said he tried to get away, but the teens chased him down and started beating him in the house.
He said he knelt down over a chair and tried to protect his face, but got hit in the eye and in the back. He said Arnold covered his back to try to protect him, but the teen with the bat started hitting him in the legs. Then the youths left.
"What if they fight someone else and those guys don't walk away? What if they kill somebody?" he said. "Then they're going to spend the rest of their lives in jail. These kids need to learn, go through the court system and see if you do something to somebody, you see what happens."
Story Here
So yes, now we have gone to the point where two consenting adults cannot have romantic interludes because we have so frightened our teens into believing that ALL SEX IS RAPE! Way to go America, You should be proud.. cretins. Hope the kids get some jail time..
Friday, June 26, 2009
Nancy Grace is a cunt.
Yeah I said it, and I will say it again. Nancy Grace is a CUNT. Was watching the video regarding little Haylee Donathan, Nancy was blabbing about how she didn't like that fact that the feds have con-air (let's face it, this is acting. As a former prosecutor, she knows damned well that these planes fly "above her head"... talking about being dramatic..fucking tart).
The gyst of the video is the mom stated she fell in love with Robbi Potter. Robbi is supposed to be living in a halfway house, but decided to split with the mother and the child.
Now you know the media is gonna continuously state that he is a predator, that is why he split. only Robbi really knows why. However, I would like to interject one thing. What if the reason the guy split is because of the registry? It is possible after all. Young man, tired of the bullshit dealing with the registry. Sorry folks, hate to disillusion, there is NOTHING civil about the registry. It is totally punitive. For those that would say "Good, it deserves to be punitive', I offer this. Adding punitive measures after someone does their time erodes the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. There can be no exceptions to this, or it actually works against you as well. Freedoms that you believed to be inalienable are not so and the continued erosion will one day come around and bite you square on the ass. Now back to the video ...
Our dear Friend, Nancy, goes on to depict the mom and the 'sex offender' as doing this terrible thing. Now I might not be too bright but didn't they leave and basically take a vacation/ yeah Robbi did something bad by splitting, but did he actually commit any offense besides parole violations? yeah the Adam Walsh Act supposedly will come into play, but that is a bullshit law which shouldn't be there to begin with. In America we are supposed to deal with true justice, not some hokey fucking pipe dream made up by a drunk womanizing father, and a coked out, non-attentive mother...
I guess I am just confused is all, as to why they are so upset over all of this. The child was with her mom. According to the un-educated general public, this is what sex offenders do, right? I mean really, the Registry is there to allow them to punish us everyday... So where is the big surprise?
Here's the Link to the cunt...err Nancy
The gyst of the video is the mom stated she fell in love with Robbi Potter. Robbi is supposed to be living in a halfway house, but decided to split with the mother and the child.
Now you know the media is gonna continuously state that he is a predator, that is why he split. only Robbi really knows why. However, I would like to interject one thing. What if the reason the guy split is because of the registry? It is possible after all. Young man, tired of the bullshit dealing with the registry. Sorry folks, hate to disillusion, there is NOTHING civil about the registry. It is totally punitive. For those that would say "Good, it deserves to be punitive', I offer this. Adding punitive measures after someone does their time erodes the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. There can be no exceptions to this, or it actually works against you as well. Freedoms that you believed to be inalienable are not so and the continued erosion will one day come around and bite you square on the ass. Now back to the video ...
Our dear Friend, Nancy, goes on to depict the mom and the 'sex offender' as doing this terrible thing. Now I might not be too bright but didn't they leave and basically take a vacation/ yeah Robbi did something bad by splitting, but did he actually commit any offense besides parole violations? yeah the Adam Walsh Act supposedly will come into play, but that is a bullshit law which shouldn't be there to begin with. In America we are supposed to deal with true justice, not some hokey fucking pipe dream made up by a drunk womanizing father, and a coked out, non-attentive mother...
I guess I am just confused is all, as to why they are so upset over all of this. The child was with her mom. According to the un-educated general public, this is what sex offenders do, right? I mean really, the Registry is there to allow them to punish us everyday... So where is the big surprise?
Here's the Link to the cunt...err Nancy
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
For those accused of a sex offenses, they are guilty until proven guilty
ELLICOTT CITY, Md. - An Ellicott City violin instructor has been charged with sexually abusing an 11-year-old student during private lessons at his home, Howard County police said.
Ming Yueh Liang, 67, was charged with eight counts of fourth-degree sex offenses and eight counts of second-degree assault. He is free on bond, police said.
The victim and the victim's mother told police that Liang touched her repeatedly during lessons between March and May of this year. The girl's mother told police that she was present during the lessons, but she had an obstructed view of her daughter and Liang.
Police are urging other students who may have been victimized to contact the police department at 410-313-3200.
Detectives ask parents of students who have taken lessons with Liang to talk with their children and report any suspicious or improper activity immediately.
This man has not been sent before a judge, nor has a jury found him guilty. The man has also NOT entered a plea of guilty. Yet we see here, as usual, the media and police already claiming this man guilty. If he is, then by all means charge, convict and send him to his sentence. However, until that time he has been arrested for SUSPICION and nothing more.
The final few lines are very telling regarding police bias "all those who may have been victimized ... report improper behavior..." i.e. Coach your kids so that they can become 'victims' too..... Pathetic.
Link Here
Friday, June 19, 2009
Read this and understand..
Her body wracked by a rare cancer, 10-year-old Colby Curtin hung on to life so she could watch Up, the new Pixar animated feature.
Colby, diagnosed with a vascular tumor in 2005, had set her hopes on seeing the film when she saw a trailer for the movie in April. Her mother, Lisa Curtin, told the Orange County Register that her daughter's health took a turn for the worse afterwards, and by June, after the movie had opened, Colby was too ill to travel to a theater.
Reached by family friends and told of her wish, executives at the digital studio based in Emeryville, Calif. arranged to fly an employee with a DVD of the film to the girl's home in Huntington Beach on June 10, the newspaper reported. (Pixar did not comment.)
Colby, who could no longer see, listened to the film while her mother narrated the action. She died seven hours later.
A vigil is planned for Friday.
The level of sorrow I have right now ... I didn't put this so much to draw attention to the little girl, although I feel so sorry for her parents and family right now.
What I wanted you to see the beauty in what happened. They didn't have to do it. Children die everyday on this earth, unfortunately. The beauty in this is that someone listened. Someone at Pixar had enough heart and caring to send someone with the movie to allow this little person their last wish. Although not a very big thing in the scope of the world, that one act by Pixar was the most powerful thing for the girl. Kudos to Pixar, and may Colby rest in peace.
Shining example of motherhood!!
NEW YORK (WPIX) - A Queen's mom is accused of setting her six-year-old daughter on fire in a bizarre voodoo ritual that left the girl severely burned, authorities said.
Marie Lauradin, 29, a Haitian immigrant, apparently ignored little Frantzcia Saintil's screams as flames engulfed her body during the Feb 4. ritual, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said. Frantizcia's grandmother, 70-year-old Sylvenie Thessier, reportedly came to her aide and extinguished the flames.
Instead of taking Frantzcia to the hospital, prosecutors say the pair, instead, sent the girl to bed, where she remained for a day before relatives begged them to take the girl to the hospital.
According to court papers, when Lauradin finally sought medical assistance for her daughter, doctors determined Frantzcia had suffered second and third-degree burns covering 25% of her body, including her face torso and legs.
Lauradin, who has been in the U.S for less than a year, was charged in Queens Criminal Court with assault and endangering the welfare of a child. If convicted, she faces up to 25 years behind bars.
Why again is she not being charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER?
According to police, Lauradin sprayed a circle of rum on the floor around her daughter and lit it on fire. She then poured some alcohol on the girl's head and pushed her into the ring of flames.
Initially, Lauradin reportedly told police she was boiling rice in a pot and accidentally spilled it on her daughter.
Her attorney Jeff Cohen said she is completely innocent of the allegations.
"This is my client's only child," Cohen told the New York Daily News. "My client would not hurt her."
WHAT!?! It was just stated that "Lauradin sprayed a circle of rum on the floor around her daughter and lit it on fire. She then poured some alcohol on the girl's head and pushed her into the ring of flames" That is NOT hurting her?!?!?!
Thessier is facing charges of reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child. She faces up to seven years in jail.
Sorry but Grandma should be charged with the same as mom, plus accomplice to attempted murder. Good Grief
Wonderful. Yet one more in a string of parents that treat their children lessor than animals, yet we are 'MONSTERS'!?! Where is her ass listed on the registry?
Museum shooter also into child porn!?!
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The FBI says it found child pornography on a computer used by the man charged with the fatal shooting of a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum June 10.
Museum shooting suspect James von Brunn remains in a Washington hospital.
Museum shooting suspect James von Brunn remains in a Washington hospital.
In court documents filed Wednesday, an investigator says the pornography was found on a desktop computer during a search of an Annapolis, Maryland, apartment where 88-year old James von Brunn had been living for the past two years. The documents did not provide details about the pornography, but investigators requested permission to make a more extensive search of the computer and others found in von Brunn's home.
Von Brunn has been charged with the murder of museum security guard Stephen Johns. The white supremacist was shot in the face after two other security officers returned fire. He remains in a Washington hospital.
The FBI also searched a red Hyundai that law enforcement officials say von Brunn left double-parked in front of the museum right before the shooting. In separate documents also filed on Wednesday, investigators say they found 35 rounds of live ammunition for a .22 caliber rifle. Officials allege von Brunn used a .22 caliber rifle, which was found at the scene, to shoot Johns in the chest.
According to paperwork detailing the car search, investigators found business cards advertising a USS Liberty Web site that claims Israeli forces "suddenly and brutally" attacked the U.S. Navy vessel in international waters in 1967. Investigators also found business cards for von Brunn's own Web site, which hosts postings of white supremacist writings.
Among other items found in the car were a disabled parking permit, mouthwash, a salt shaker and a roll of quarters totaling $7.25.
Earlier this week investigators filed papers saying among the items discovered in von Brunn's apartment was a painting that appeared to depict Hitler and Jesus. They also found a .30-30 rifle, ammunition and a handwritten will.
Link here
Now isn't this a weird one.. Ok maybe this guy did have it, but currently we only have the word of the FBI, and lets face it folks their word isn't worth crap. If dude did have child porn, he will definitely lose the support of many people from the different organizations that promote his rhetoric. It would definitely be a win for the Government if that happened, because then he would be totally alone and have NO supporters. hmm, make you wonder huh.
if I were an enterprising Federal Agent and was told to find things that would totally isolate him from other groups, thus stripping him of support of larger organizations what could I do to make this happen... I could say he killed puppies and kittens.. but ofcourse that would only piss off PETA. So what label can I give him that would so totally alienate him that no one would defend him.. Sex Offender!!! and not only offender, but child molester!! that will get us some funding for the AWA program, and score some new positions from Congress so we can continue to fight neo-nazi skinhead child porn molesters.. Genius!!!
Personally, I hope the old bastard dies in prison. He killed a man for an ideology that mandates the injury and extermination of groups of people. That is something I cannot stomach. When are people going to understand that there is no such thing as 'RACE' .. There are different SKIN colors, but we are all the same RACE.. THE HUMAN RACE. Black White Asian Jew. All the same. Our blood is the same, our brain is the same, our internal workings are the same. if you take a heart of a black man, and place it in a white man, does that man instantly become Black?
No, he doesn't. People of the world need to make TOLERANCE the first priority in life. There are many ideals on this planet, many religions, many governments, but one thing is a constant. People are the same.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Excerpt: Is an unjust government better than no government at all?
I found this in browsing. It is a term paper excerpt that I found to be very telling. If your government is unjust, is that better than NO government at all?
My answer is this. It is my opinion that no government is above its people, and when a government stands to defraud its people of Liberty and Happiness granted them by the founders of that nation, then THAT government is unjust. Having an unjust government is far worse than no government at all, because eventually with no government majority rule will apply and a standard set rules or laws would be developed; However, an unjust government does not allow reasonable, majority rule to become the law of the land. An unjust government creates laws to keep themselves in power, and to disallow a peaceful overturning of the ruling class for that of the majority. This is why certain checks need to be put into place NOW. Solidly set term limits for all elected officials. The President currently have one, but Congress nor the Supreme Court have one for themselves. This needs to change. Representatives should be allowed 3 terms maximum, Senators should be allowed 6 terms maximum, giving both a 12 year maximum in which to pass law, and govern. The Supreme Court should not be a lifetime appointment. I feel that the supreme court should have no more than a 10 year seating on the bench in Washington.
Another thing that truly needs to change is the lifetime retirement given to those elected officials. Under no circumstances are we indebted to any elected official as a whole. Their reigns have been what has devastated us over the last 50 years.
My answer is this. It is my opinion that no government is above its people, and when a government stands to defraud its people of Liberty and Happiness granted them by the founders of that nation, then THAT government is unjust. Having an unjust government is far worse than no government at all, because eventually with no government majority rule will apply and a standard set rules or laws would be developed; However, an unjust government does not allow reasonable, majority rule to become the law of the land. An unjust government creates laws to keep themselves in power, and to disallow a peaceful overturning of the ruling class for that of the majority. This is why certain checks need to be put into place NOW. Solidly set term limits for all elected officials. The President currently have one, but Congress nor the Supreme Court have one for themselves. This needs to change. Representatives should be allowed 3 terms maximum, Senators should be allowed 6 terms maximum, giving both a 12 year maximum in which to pass law, and govern. The Supreme Court should not be a lifetime appointment. I feel that the supreme court should have no more than a 10 year seating on the bench in Washington.
Another thing that truly needs to change is the lifetime retirement given to those elected officials. Under no circumstances are we indebted to any elected official as a whole. Their reigns have been what has devastated us over the last 50 years.
Is an unjust government better than no government at all?
I do not agree that an unjust government is better than no government at all. Is it really logical to give your allegiance to a country whose government violates principles of fairness? I would have to agree with St. Augustine's famous quote, "an unjust law usno law at all," and therefore I think that an unjust government is no government at all.
a.) IF YOUR GOVERNMENT IS NOT LOYAL TO YOU THEN YOU DO NOT OWE IT YOUR ALLEGIANCE. I do feel that one has a moral responsibility to obey just laws, but I also feel that one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
1 For example, America would still be just a province of Great Britain if it wasn't for our forefathers who stood up and rebelled against the laws which were clearly unjust.
2 If it was acceptable for them to rebel, then it is definitely acceptable now.
3 We are all under the assumption that the laws of the land are in place......
Using 'RAPE' as your defense
ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI - - Two women are in police custody and accused of the murder. St. Louis investigators say the women are responsible for the beating death of a 26 year old man whose body was found in Forest Park. Willard Payne's body was found in the Kennedy Forest near a jogging trail Monday morning, just west of the St. Louis Zoo.
According to police, Payne met the women at a different location and asked them to smoke some marijuana with him. They eventually ended up in Forest Park. The women told police he then made some verbal advances towards the 25-year old female. She said no, so he allegedly started doing to same to her 20-year old companion.
It was later discovered by police that the women were apparently girlfriends, both of whom were larger than the victim. Reports indicate they started beating him. Payne ran and they then caught him and beat him to death, according to police.
Police caught the pair because they initially reported that the man tried to rape them. Police now say that's not the case. The names of the women will likely be released later Tuesday.
Link Here
Ok, Two women chase down this man, beat him to death, then claim he attempted to rape them?!?! I think it is fairly obvious that if they were big enough to beat him to death, that it would be near impossible for him to have forced a rape on them. How pathetic. Now the feminist groups will claim that the two are the 'real' victims because they were touched by their father, or the mailman, or some such stupidity and they will get either a light sentence or no sentence. When are we as a people going to stop blaming others for our own mental issues? These two are totally responsible for the murder, and they should get the needle for the crime they committed.
Convicted, but maybe not convicted SO in Court
LAS VEGAS -- A Las Vegas man accused of killing a 7-year-old girl in 1994 told a judge Wednesday morning that he is not guilty.
Gregory Wallen, a convicted sex offender, was ordered to be held without bail. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for July 1.
Wallen was arrested Monday in Pahrump, more than 15 years after the disappearance and slaying of Diana Hernandez. Her body was found in a trash bin near the Sandpiper Apartment complex at Flamingo Road and Maryland Parkway.
Detectives went through a list of registered sex offenders and matched Wallen’s name to the list of volunteers who helped search for Hernandez when she went missing. Police said Wallen’s DNA matched evidence found on the girl’s body.
Wallen had been accused of sexual assault in 1992, but had not been convicted and was not added to the registry until 1999.
Link Here
hmmm, Ok, I give up. If he was accused of sexual assault, was not convicted, then how again is he a 'Convicted Sex Offender'?? And the cops used the list of volunteers that searched for her as the list of suspects? This sounds really really fishy..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Labels tell it all...
Here's a story from Yahoo News. I don't have a problem with its outcome. This man did very bad things and deserved what he asked for, however the original headline was "Violent sex offender executed in Alabama". Yes, this man might have sexually violated someone, however he MURDERED 4 women. One bit of information states he sexually assaulted the last victim, but the information on the other three makes no mention as to if he sexually assaulted them or not. So factually, the headline states that a violent rapist was put to death, yes; However I believe a Headline of "Convicted Murderer put to death" would have been more truthful. The bias of media to grab the story and the reader is without shame when it comes to someone that has atleast one rape in their history.
Link here
WASHINGTON (AFP) – A 62-year-old man who begged the judge at his trial to have him put him to death for the rape and murder of a young woman has been executed by lethal injection in Alabama, prison officials said Friday.
Jack Trawick was executed late Thursday after having been convicted of the murder of a 21-year-old woman in October 1992.
Local media reported that he had confessed to the murders of three other young women. Having been sentenced several times in the past, his lawyer had asked in vain that Trawick should not be paroled until he had followed a program for sex offenders.
All appeals to halt his execution were dropped, although his lawyers continued to insist that he was suffering from a mental illness.
Trawick was the fifth person to be put to death by lethal injection this year in the state.
Link here
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Borrowed from another blog: How bad are police interrogations?
I found this while researching SCOTUS cases. A very interesting look at interrogations by police, as well as some hard evidence about wrongfully obtained confessions at the bottom of the info. This has been published a few times here and there, but good information should always be reprinted so no one forgets. Originally written in April 2009
Don't worry. I believe you....
You can find the original from Here
Police interrogations are the primary reason many actually innocent persons go to jail and are wrongfully convicted. The tactics frequently used in police interrogations are nothing more than psychological devices as well as some physical to coerce or (schmoose) a person into confessing a crime in which they more than likely have not committed and have no knowledge of prior to the police actually spoon feeding them details.
When the police interrogate a suspect and you are placed in an interrogation room the room itself and the tactics used are to get you to confess. This is called persuasive coercion. Almost sounds very Mafioso right? And if at this point what I am about to say should make you very uncomfortable when (taking that little ride downtown).
The psychological weapons used against you, and how they are used against as well as why are listed here as follows there are the steps used to in the interrogation of allegedly of guilty suspects;
1.) Combining the evidence of strategy with "direct confrontation" often known as "supported directed accusation". This can lead to false confessions because under standard operating procedure by the police details will be communicated to the to the suspect at the beginning of the interview. It then becomes damn near impossible to know with absolute certainty that the suspect is repeating the information that was spoon-fed to them by the police or actually is confessing to the alleged crime. Talk about being unethical and blurring the line.
2.) Theme development to lessen the moral implications of the alleged crime. In English that means tell the suspect that anyone else in that same situation or circumstances may have done the same thing. It is the classic "anyone in your shoes would've done it thinking". This goes far beyond ethical and professional limits. By doing this you begin to reduce the suspects feeling of guilt for the offense by lessoning its moral importance. So they say things like (other people committed worse crimes, what you did was not so bad) or (I understand you had no other choice). Doing this they give the suspect a morally valid reason for the crime thusly making a person feel (free) about confessing to a crime they may not have committed. Using flattery also works in this situation as well, they state how little your involvement in the crime may or may not have been. So basically what happens, make you feel good about confessing and how much better it feels then before you know it you've confessed details which they fed to you, and now you are in the system.
3.) When a suspect is constantly giving denials, law enforcement does not like this at all. It is extremely undesirable because the police lose the psychological advantage. This advantage then goes to the suspect. So it is then stopped by the interrogator at that point. They'll say things like (Stop lying, you know you did it we know).
4.) Guilty suspects will move from plain denials to objections. At this point the suspect is the inferior mentally. So at this point interrogators move quickly because they see this advantage and do not want to lose their mental edge over the suspect.
5.) When the police move in closer to the suspect while in the interrogation room, they are not doing this to better hear you speak trust me. By moving closer, touching the suspects hands gently, using first names, and even having strong eye contact. All of these are psychological devices used to relax you into a false confession. And those become extremely difficult to prove in court later, but we will examine this later. At that point the suspect becomes more alert listening to the officers suggestions, and therefore becomes more likely to believe in the picture they are painting now matter how much it may not have happened.
6.) When the interrogator exudes signs of understanding and sympathy and urges to the suspect to tell the truth, this is a joke. The primary focus is to play upon the weakness in order to breakdown the remaining residual weakness in the suspect and fattening them up for the kill or admission of guilt later on. They will say things like (If you will cooperate with us, no one will know about this. You may be working for use for years. If you do a good job you will get probation, deferred adjudication, community service, or maybe nothing). Keep in mind this is all bullshit at this point. Its all the more to get you mentally raped, because you are about to get fucked at this point always keep that in mind. They are there to make the collar. Does not matter who actually commits the crime just that someone goes down for it end of story.
7.) So after they've coaxed you into telling the (their truth of what happened)after spoon-feeding you intricate details, holding your hand to comfort you, making the crime seem morally OK. The suspect is presented with two alternatives for the crime. Both alternatives are worded in such a way that one acts as a face saving choice and the other as some deep dark callous grotesque motivation. Another words one is the pretty moral reason,the other the grime ridden horrible monstrous reason. The psychological reasoning behind this is done because it is easier for the suspect to admit what they did wrong at the time of the interrogation because the suspect gets to explain why it was done. It is that simple.
8.) Having the suspect tell of various details of the crime at this point serves as the confession the police have created for the suspect. This is done because it was predicated already in the following steps. They have made the suspect accept one of the alternatives from earlier and thus making the suspect self incriminate, and after spoon feeding the details along with getting the suspect to accept on of the alternative theories this now becomes a full blown confession at this point. Which ironically enough is 100/100 the video that is shown to juries when the person is confessing after all of this has taken place. They don't show all the events leading up till the final cut of that alleged confession video of feeding the suspect details. And they will not show you that, because it is unethical either way you slice it and they know that.
9.) Finally they get the person to literally sign off on the confession. A signed confession is much better than an oral confession legally. Even though all of what they have done to get a person to confess goes far beyond the border of ethical behavior.
The psychological effects of placing a person through this kind of psychological warfare if you will are staggering.
Post Traumatic Stress, Apathy, Internal conflict, withdrawal, depression, and even stroke.
Interrogation rooms are usually set up in the following manner;
Windowless room with no air conditioning, no locks on the door, an observation room directly next to the adjacent room.
Most people know what the "Miranda Warnings or Rights" are like right to remain silent, right to counsel. However what must people do not know is that these rights only apply to custodial suspects. Custodial suspects are people deprived of freedom in any significant way so says the SCOTUS. Now if and when a custodial suspect tells the interrogator that he does not wish to make or sign a statement or they want a lawyer. The interrogator must stop asking, recording anything further.
Whenever a person is picked up for questioning but there is no probable cause to arrest is lacking. They have to tell you and make clear you are not being arrested, and you do not have to go the police station unless you are willing to do so and once there you are free to leave if you so choose. The only time an interrogation may actually take place is when a person has been advised of their rights and then by their own choice wishes to speak. Unless the police have probable cause they have no legal right to interrogate you. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) also declared in Miranda in addition to self incrimination the suspect must be advised they have a right to counsel before and DURING the interrogation.
Questions such as (Do you know why you are here?) are 100% invalid. The courts consistently state that such questions elicit incriminating answers from suspects. And they then therefore are considered to be within the prohibition of Miranda when asked of a custodial suspect when they are not preceded by warnings and a waiver. They cannot promise you leniency any more they can promise to use force because this will also elicit and induce an innocent person to confess to a crime they may not have committed. They cannot promise you cooperation will result in a lesser sentence being imposed. That is solely up to the JUDGE or JURY. This is most unethical as well, and illegal. So if they promise you that, it is also BULLSHIT. Just be a wise guy keep your mouth shut say nothing at all.
Coercive persuasion is the systematic the application of psychological techniques and social influence in an organized way. Or simply known as brainwashing. These interrogation techniques are so psychologically overwhelming the average law abiding citizen can be made to confess to a crime even though they have done nothing wrong at all. They create such a bond of mental control that it is far more powerful and effective the putting a gun to your head and making you confess that way. The goal is to hold the suspect to the point of maximum mental stress before inducing a powerful psychosis. It disables a persons sense of self to induce anxiety and emotional distress and allows for cognitive confusion.
Six condition exist in order to induce this;
In United States V Lee(1982) The California Supreme Court found that "when a person is subject to coercive persuasion without his knowledge or consent. He may develop serious and sometimes irreversible physical and psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, self mutilation, and suicide".
Still think the police are your friend?
This is the breakdown of this immense psychological pressure;
According to and ,
Saul M. Kassin, professor of Psychology at Williams College, a leading researcher into false confessions,
divides them into three categories:
1. Voluntary, involving no external pressure.
2. "Coerced-compliant" in which the person realizes he is not guilty but confesses to the crime to receive a promised reward or avoid an adverse penalty.
3. "Coerced-internalized" in which an innocent suspect is induced to believe he or she is guilty.
Police and courts often doubt that the second two cases actually exist.
Dr. Kassin and his student, Catherine L. Kiechel, designed a lab experiment demonstrating how innocent people can be led to a false confession, to the point that some may even become convinced they are guilty. (1,3) In the study, college students were asked to type letters on a keyboard as a researcher pronounced them. Some researchers read out the letters quickly (67 per minute), others slowly (47 per minute). The subjects were warned to not touch the ALT key, because a bug in the testing program would cause the computer to crash and lose all the data. One minute into the test, the computer was manually caused to crash. In half the tests, the researchers said they had actually seen the subject depressing the ALT key.
At first, the subjects correctly denied hitting the key. The researcher then hand-wrote a confession and asked the subjects to sign it. The penalty would be an angry telephone call to the subject by Dr. Kassin. One hundred per cent of the subjects who had typed the letters quickly, and who were told by the researcher that they had been observed hitting the ALT key, signed the confession; 65% of the subjects believed they were guilty; 35% even confabulated non-existent details to fit their beliefs. Overall, 69% signed the note and 28% believed they were actually guilty.
University of Michigan and supervised by a law professor there, Samuel R. Gross. They say that the number of exonerations is quite small when compared with the number of convictions during the 15-year period. About 2 million people are in American prisons and jails. The study identified 199 murder exonerations, 73 of them in capital cases. It also found 120 rape exonerations. Only nine cases involved other crimes. In more than half of the cases, the defendants had been in prison for more than 10 years.
The study's authors said they picked 1989 as a starting point because that was the year of the first DNA exoneration. Of the 328 exonerations they found in the intervening years, 145 involved DNA evidence.
In 88 percent of the rape cases in the study, DNA evidence helped free the inmate. But biological evidence is far less likely to be available or provide definitive proof in other kinds of cases. Only 20 percent of the murder exonerations involved DNA evidence, and almost all of those were rape-murders.
Some 90 percent of false convictions in the rape cases involved misidentification by witnesses, very often across races. In particular, the study said black men made up a disproportionate number of exonerated rape defendants.
The racial mix of those exonerated, in general, mirrored that of the prison population, and the mix of those exonerated of murder mirrored the mix of those convicted of murder. But while 29 percent of those in prison for rape are black, 65 percent of those exonerated of the crime are.
Interracial rapes are, moreover, uncommon. Rapes of white women by black men, for instance, represent less than 10 percent of all rapes, according to the Justice Department. But in half of the rape exonerations where racial data was available, black men were falsely convicted of raping white women.
"The most obvious explanation for this racial disparity is probably also the most powerful", the study says. "White Americans are much more likely to mistake one black person for another than to do the same for members of their own race".
On the other hand, the study found that the leading causes of wrongful convictions for murder were false confessions and perjury by co- defendants, informants, police officers or forensic scientists.
A separate study considering 125 cases involving false confessions was published in the North Carolina Law Review last month and found that such confessions were most common among groups vulnerable to suggestion and intimidation.
The authors of the Michigan study offered dueling rationales for the murder exonerations, and both reasons, they said, were disturbing.
There may be more murder exonerations, they said, because the cases attract more attention, especially when a death sentence is imposed. Death row inmates represent a quarter of 1 percent of the prison population but 22 percent of the exonerated.
That suggests that innocent people are often convicted in run-of-the-mill cases. Indeed, the study says, "if we reviewed prison sentences with the same level of care that we devote to death sentences, there would have been over 28,500 non-death-row exonerations in the past 15 years rather than the 255 that have in fact occurred".
The study offered a competing theory, as well. Mistakes, it said, may be more likely in murder cases and far more likely in capital cases.
"The truth, the study concludes, is clearly a combination of these two appalling possibilities".
If you still do not believe me, just remember these words.
"Evidence of innocence is irrelevant".--Mary Sue Terry, former AG Commonwealth of Virginia
Don't worry. I believe you....
You can find the original from Here
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Are we really sheeple?
Follow the link to a story of What-a-Burger employees that got a phone call and believing that they were talking to the home office 'tested' the fire system, stripped to their underwear and broke out every window in the place.
Article here
Are we really so used to following Big Brother that we would not at least question something that sounds on the surface to be totally against everything that is outside normal behavior? in this case, I guess not.

Article here
Are we really so used to following Big Brother that we would not at least question something that sounds on the surface to be totally against everything that is outside normal behavior? in this case, I guess not.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Yet another article on how ineffective the registry is in Texas
Discretion is the hallmark of the criminal justice system in Texas. The laws are written clearly, but the decisions are left to people. Juries are empowered to examine the facts of cases and make responsible decisions regarding guilt and innocence. Judges are trusted to maintain decorum and uphold the laws so that justice can prevail. At all times, participants within the court system are expected to handle difficult and sensitive matters in the interests of fairness and justice.
The Sex Offender Registration Program is the exception to this general principle. Unlike most areas of the criminal justice system, judges are given no discretion whatsoever. Under Texas law, when a person is convicted of a qualifying sex offense he or she is automatically and permanently required to register as a sex offender.
The laws providing for mandatory lifelong sex offender registration are ineffective. For the justice system to live up to its name, judges should be given discretion over the terms of registration.
Texas Sex Offender Registration Laws
Under the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, anyone who is convicted of a sexual offense is required to register with local law enforcement as part of the Sex Offender Registration Program. Depending on the particular crime, the offender must register for 10 years, or for his or her entire lifetime.
The duration of the registration requirement depends entirely upon the crime; once a person is convicted, a judge has absolutely no discretion. The judge cannot decide that the registration period should be limited or that registration is inappropriate under the circumstances. The required registration period is mandated by the relevant statutes.
The Problem With Eliminating Discretion: No Two Cases Are the Same
Some may argue that the lack of discretion leads to equitable treatment; one person convicted of possessing child pornography should be treated the same as any other person convicted of possessing of child pornography. However, in criminal matters the circumstances are always important. No two cases are identical and removing a judge's discretion does not lead to equitable treatment.
For example, consider the case of a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old who are engaged in a consensual sexual relationship. Despite the laws, such relationships are undoubtedly common and rarely draw the attention of Texas courts. However, in the event that the relationship turns sour or results in pregnancy, the 16-year-old may report the encounters as nonconsensual.
In accordance with Texas law, the 18-year-old could be prosecuted for indecency with a child. Indecency with a child is an offense requiring registration; if convicted, the older partner would be required to register for life.
This hypothetical is not intended to undermine the very real threat of sex offense or to suggest that all accusations are false. However, by leaving the judges without any discretion in sentencing, people who truly pose no threat are classified and publicly ostracized with those who are legitimately dangerous. Lifetime registration as a sex offender is a tremendous burden to place on someone for a mistake made at age 18 in a consensual relationship.
An Overinclusive Registry Undermines the Intent of Notification
Furthermore, including this hypothetical 18-year-old ultimately undermines the registry. One of the primary purposes of a sex offender registry is to alert the public to local people who are potentially dangerous. When people who are not truly threatening are included in this database, the registry is overinclusive and becomes less valuable.
If judges had discretion, they could examine the individual circumstances and determine whether a particular offender is likely to commit another offense in the future. Accordingly, the registry could be limited to those who truly threaten others and therefore warrant inclusion.
Alternately, the judge could consider the circumstances and determine whether a shorter registration period might be sufficient, rather than the current lifetime registration requirement. Again, this would alert the public to people who had recently committed sex offenses without including those who haven't committed crimes for decades.
Unfortunately, judges in Texas are not currently given this type of decision making authority; they are beholden to unbending laws. As a result, it is extremely important that anyone accused of any type of sex offense in Texas take these accusations seriously and consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer cannot change the laws, but can take actions to minimize the potential consequences of any accusation.
To the Article
The truth is HERE, why will the idiots in Austin not listen?
Link to this article

Texas has more than 54,000 people in its sex offender registry database. Most of them are required to register for life, periodically reporting where they live and work. The sex offender registry makes this information, in addition to data on offenders' physical characteristics and relevant sex offenses, available to the public online.
The sex offenses for which defendants are required to register vary widely. Lawmakers and others have expressed concern that the registry is overinclusive.
Sex Offender Registration Laws
The purpose of Texas' sex offender registry is to alert neighbors and colleagues to the presence of convicted sex offenders. Ideally, this allows people to make informed decisions about interacting safely with those around them. Even though the vast majority of sex offenses are committed by people known to the victims, sex offender registries can bring some peace of mind to wary residents.
The shortest registration period in Texas is ten years, but most registrants must remain on the list for life. Some defendants are surprised when, after they have completed their sentences and other obligations, they are unexpectedly required to register. This outcome is not uncommon in Texas.
Placement on the sex offender registry does not mean only that the defendant's name and other information are available to the public. Registration also means that the registrant may not live near areas where children congregate. In some cities, it can even prevent registrants from going to the movies or eating in some restaurants.
Within the category of sex offenses that require registration is a broad range of behaviors. Some sex offenders have committed numerous violent assaults against women or produced child pornography. Others however, have engaged in sexual behavior with consenting partners who were minors only a few years younger than themselves, or solicited a teenager over the Internet. In addition, juveniles convicted of sex offenses may be required to register; the obligation may follow them for the rest of their lives.
The Jacob Wetterling Act, Megan's Law, the Pam Lychner Act, and the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act are federal laws that provide registration and notification requirements. States must either follow these laws or lose federal money. States also may strengthen the laws if they choose.
Moving to Change Registration Requirements
Although sex offender registries may provide information that some people consider vital, others argue that the inclusion of nonviolent, juvenile and other less controversial offenders makes the registries too broad.
Some Texas lawmakers, registrants and even statutory rape victims who do not feel that they were truly victimized are calling for more selective registration requirements. They argue that people who are not a threat to society at large should not be on sex offender registries. Their presence on registries makes it more difficult to distinguish between violent predators more likely to reoffend and those who committed statutory rape crimes (unlawful sex with someone under the age of consent) or less serious crimes highly unlikely to be repeated.
Additionally, law enforcement resources are spent following up with registrants, making sure they are where they say they are. Registrants who do not keep up with their registration may be imprisoned for significant periods of time. Some see this as an inefficient way to monitor people who are arguably not dangerous.
Some assert that requiring juveniles to register may harm their chances for rehabilitation, forcing them to carry stigma that will prevent them from fully integrating into adult society.
The sense of security that the sex offender registry can provide makes it difficult for lawmakers to change the rules. But the chorus of voices against the strict rules is rising, making modifications more and more likely.
Seeking Creative Solutions
People who face sex offense charges could end up registering for the rest of their lives. An attorney who is familiar with the relevant laws may be able to help by negotiating a plea for a serious crime that is not a sex offense, such as assault with a deadly weapon. The defendant would then pay his or her debt to society without having to register as a sex offender afterward. With the frequent changes in and complexity of sex offender registration laws, a criminal defense lawyer's assistance could be invaluable to anyone charged with a sex crime.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Attorney General, Shapiro, and the lot...
AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, state Sen. Florence Shapiro and Rep. Aaron Pena today marked the Texas Senate’s passage of legislation that would require convicted sex offenders to provide their online and cellular telephone account information to the state’s Sex Offender Registry. Senate Bill 689 passed the Senate on Monday and is now pending in the Texas House of Representatives.
What they forget to explain to you is that even if you are NOT convicted that you still have to give these up. By legislating Guilt, the legislature has mandated those who's charges were dismissed to continue to register.
“This legislation will help protect children by ensuring that state law keeps up with modern technology,” Attorney General Abbott said. “By requiring sexual predators to provide their electronic identities, the Legislature is simply improving existing registration requirements – which require convicted sex offenders to provide their addresses to the Department of Public Safety. As Attorney General, I am grateful to Sen. Shapiro and Rep. Pena for their innovative approach and commitment to Texas children.”
Bullshit. This actually is a clever ploy by them to circumvent the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Sen. Shapiro added: “I have spent my career protecting the innocent against predatory sexual offenders, beginning with Ashley's Laws in 1995. With today’s new Internet sites, it is now time to take this fight into the virtual world and target those who target our children through social networking sites, chat rooms and live video gaming systems. I commend General Abbott for his work against these most heinous criminals as well, and am grateful to his Cyber Crimes Unit for the strides it has made to bring these offenders to justice.”
Actually no she hasn't. Ms. Shapiro has spent her legislative career getting family members appointed to the various Holocaust committees, diverting state funds to Israel for economic purposes, as well as allowing herself to also infringe rights of those she deems unpure... Funny how a Jewish woman would use the same tactics as Hitler did.. I will bet that her mother and father are turning over in their graves.
Rep. Pena said: “We are closer today to preventing sex offenders from using social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook to prey upon our children. SB689 is an important progression in making the Internet safer from online predators. This legislation will provide law enforcement with new tools, resources and information to track sex offenders online.”
And Here they even tell you that they want to usurp the Bill of Rights by blocking access to all Internet sites.
The bills – Senate Bill 689 by Sen. Shapiro and its companion House Bill 1239 by Rep. Pena – include four key provisions that strengthen state sex offender registration laws:
689 was the only one to actually pass, but the other was exactly the same.
• Registration of Internet accounts and e-mail addresses. If enacted, the legislation would require all sex offenders to register their Internet account and online identifiers, including e-mail addresses and designations used for online chatting, instant messaging, social networking or other similar Internet communication. The law would require that sex offenders notify their primary registration authority or the Department of Public Safety, which manages the state’s Sex Offender Registry, any time offenders change their Internet service providers or other online identifiers.
Wow.. As you can see, they want your life so they can contact the ISP's, Social sites as well as ANY site that you register with to DENY you access. Yeah, that pretty much kills opportunity to have First Amendment rights...
• Registration of mobile telephone numbers. Dramatic growth within the mobile communications sector has increased children’s access to cellular telephones. As a result, young Texans now frequently send text messages, transfer photographs, and use their mobile telephones to chat online. To help prevent sexual predators from using mobile phones to prey upon children, the law would require registered sex offenders to register their cell phone numbers with the DPS.
This one I find interesting. How does this 'protect' the children again. What, some rSO is gonna randomly dial or text phones until he finds someone to exploit?.. Oh whatever, this is just another way to give out your information to be harassed
• Sharing information with law enforcement. Authorizes DPS to release state sex offender Internet identifiers to the OAG and social networking sites (i.e.,,
See! Explained this above. What does Facebook or Myspace need to know my phone number for again?
• Internet prohibitions for certain sex offenders. Requires sentencing courts and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to prohibit certain sex offenders (e.g., those who committed a sex offense against a minor; are designated a level 3 sex offender; or used the Internet to facilitate the commission of the crime), as a condition of parole or probation, from using the Internet to access obscene material; access a commercial social networking Web site; communicate with other individuals or groups for the purpose of promoting sexual relations with persons under 17; or communicate with a person under 17 when such offender is over 17.
Ok, as a PROBATION requirement, I can see that. However, I am not on Probation or Parole.. So how again can you legally MAKE me do these things?
In 2003, Attorney General Abbott established the Cyber Crimes Unit to crackdown on child pornographers and sexual predators who use the Internet to prey upon children. The Cyber Crimes Unit has arrested 105 predators in 25 Texas counties and Indonesia. These defendants were caught trying to arrange sexual encounters online with victims they acknowledged were young children. The “children” actually were undercover investigators. Cyber Crimes Unit investigators have also obtained convictions against 96 individuals on child pornography charges.
Ok, I cannot fault them for trying to stop people from harming children. That IS protecting them, however I find it a flat lie to say they arrested someone in Indonesia.. Texas law is long, but it ain't that long.
Since taking office, Attorney General Abbott has earned a national reputation for aggressively arresting and prosecuting child sexual predators. In addition to arrest roundups, Abbott also launched a series of town hall meetings statewide to educate parents and teenagers about the kind of criminal activity that goes on in connection with Internet diaries, chat rooms and social networking sites. Thousands of concerned Texans turned out at venues across the state to participate in the interactive presentation about the risks of online predators and the steps parents can take to protect their children online.
Well, I am happy that he aggressively goes after predators. So why in the FUCK is he still messing with the other 97% of us that are not predators? I think it is funny in the quote above, how he is trying to teach parents and teens the evils of having online information like 'diaries' .. Umm, earth to old dude.. What in the fuck do you think Myspace and Facebook are? Fucking idiots.
double standards,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Calling all rSO in Texas with Deferred Adjudication
If you are a Texas rSO, granted the lie of deferred adjudication leave a comment with an email address to get in touch with you. Comments will not be published (I can see them before anyone else). I would like to discuss if any of you are interested in helping with a lawsuit against the state for the recent changes about to become law in this state. This will be a John/Jane Doe filing.
Take a look at S.B. 689 for more details.
Direct Link
If any of you have been following the work of TAJLR and Rob Sandifer, you know that the Texas Legislature has time and again refused to honor their contract with any of us that were ignorant of the real reason they allow DA. Deferred Adjudication is not a conviction according to the law, however over the past 20 years, the State has exempted the DA that we were awarded from certain crimes that we accepted the 'bargain' against.
Recently TAJLR has done a good effort in trying to get a bill passed that would allow for a final expungement of DA's, however the Legislature first ripped the bill into shreds, and then they didn't pass what they had substituted. This along with several years of work from TAJLR has been poo'd on by our elected officials. It is time for them to understand that we are tired of the promises they made to us being broken. The only way to do this is to file a lawsuit.
For those of us that have called the Reps and state senators expressing our hope for more just legislation, you know how frustrating it is to be hung up on, or ignored by them. They cannot ignore a lawsuit.
For those of us that see everyday how the constant retroactive laws affects our family's well-being, we will show the legislature and all elected officials that we have had enough. Every day, each of us have seen our children harmed by these laws. How the government threatens our family unit and the mental upbringing of our children by passing their retroactive laws.
Everyday we see how they piss on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, everyday we see more of the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness being stripped away from us. And everyday our families suffer for something we paid for years ago! Enough is Enough. It is time to make them listen, it is time to drag their asses into court and make them face their illegal behavior.
If you are serious in wanting to help plan this out, leave a message. I'll delete them after I get a contact list created, but will not actually publish them. I am going to do this, but really need the help.
If you are tired of the bullshit, or if you are worried about losing your job/home/family over more and more restrictive laws then please leave a message.
If you don't care, or believe you are not affected, then I understand you not wanting to get involved.
Either way that you decide understand that these laws are RETROACTIVE. What affects one affects all.
As a side note, You will notice they are going to have a meeting about what to do next. Their idea of a lawsuit has helped me make my decision as well, although I think they are gonna do a lawyer, and mine will be pro se. However, if you are on DA or have completed one I am sure these folks would like to see you in Austin.
Take a look at S.B. 689 for more details.
Direct Link
If any of you have been following the work of TAJLR and Rob Sandifer, you know that the Texas Legislature has time and again refused to honor their contract with any of us that were ignorant of the real reason they allow DA. Deferred Adjudication is not a conviction according to the law, however over the past 20 years, the State has exempted the DA that we were awarded from certain crimes that we accepted the 'bargain' against.
Recently TAJLR has done a good effort in trying to get a bill passed that would allow for a final expungement of DA's, however the Legislature first ripped the bill into shreds, and then they didn't pass what they had substituted. This along with several years of work from TAJLR has been poo'd on by our elected officials. It is time for them to understand that we are tired of the promises they made to us being broken. The only way to do this is to file a lawsuit.
For those of us that have called the Reps and state senators expressing our hope for more just legislation, you know how frustrating it is to be hung up on, or ignored by them. They cannot ignore a lawsuit.
For those of us that see everyday how the constant retroactive laws affects our family's well-being, we will show the legislature and all elected officials that we have had enough. Every day, each of us have seen our children harmed by these laws. How the government threatens our family unit and the mental upbringing of our children by passing their retroactive laws.
Everyday we see how they piss on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, everyday we see more of the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness being stripped away from us. And everyday our families suffer for something we paid for years ago! Enough is Enough. It is time to make them listen, it is time to drag their asses into court and make them face their illegal behavior.
If you are serious in wanting to help plan this out, leave a message. I'll delete them after I get a contact list created, but will not actually publish them. I am going to do this, but really need the help.
If you are tired of the bullshit, or if you are worried about losing your job/home/family over more and more restrictive laws then please leave a message.
If you don't care, or believe you are not affected, then I understand you not wanting to get involved.
Either way that you decide understand that these laws are RETROACTIVE. What affects one affects all.
As a side note, You will notice they are going to have a meeting about what to do next. Their idea of a lawsuit has helped me make my decision as well, although I think they are gonna do a lawyer, and mine will be pro se. However, if you are on DA or have completed one I am sure these folks would like to see you in Austin.
Man gets 4 years for murder, but rSO's get life.
Ok I get it, the people of the world really believe that crimes that are defined as sex offenses are considered more heinous than pre-meditated murder. What I don't get is how these same people sleep at night knowing that you can murder someone and get a bare instance of time for it, when some 18 year old guy/gal gets 10 years in the pen and life on the registry for having sex with their 16 year old boyfriend/girlfriend. Call my crazy, but how again does that even out?
Link to the story here

Link to the story here
(CNN) -- An Alabama man was sentenced to 4½ years in prison Friday for his wife's death during their honeymoon in Australia nearly six years ago.
David Gabriel Watson pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the October 2003 death of Tina Watson, an Australian court spokesman said.
Watson was 26 when she drowned while diving around the "Yongala" shipwreck, about 42 miles off the coast of Townsville.
Watson had told police that his wife appeared to panic 45 feet underwater and drowned accidentally. However, authorities found inconsistencies in his account.
As evidence of a motive, investigators cited her father's statement that Watson had asked her to maximize her life insurance and make him the beneficiary shortly before their wedding.
The insurance company confirmed that Watson asked about her policy after her death, investigators said.
Townsville Coroner David Glasgow noted in his inquest findings that David was an experienced diver while his wife was a novice.
The couple married in Birmingham, Alabama, and left for Australia two days later
The Price of over criminalization
So they over criminalize everything, they lock MILLIONS up, some of which are known or proven innocent every year and now they want to slowly starve them to death. hmm.. So if the prison system is no longer serving breakfast or lunch, can the men and women stay in their cells instead of going to court mandated reeducation classes? I think they should be able to. Seriously, how in the hell can you expect someone to follow prison rules if you starve them? I understand that the prison states they will receive enough calories, but you can add extra sugar, or bread to the menu and they will get calories.
Welcome to America folks, we take our prison system rules direct from the Soviet Gulag playbook.

Welcome to America folks, we take our prison system rules direct from the Soviet Gulag playbook.
ATLANTA -- The recession is hitting home for inmates, too: Some cash-strapped states are taking aim at prison menus.
Georgia prisoners already didn't get lunch on the weekends, and the Department of Corrections recently eliminated the midday meal on Fridays, too. Ohio may drop weekend breakfasts and offer brunch instead. Other states are cutting back on milk and fresh fruit.
Officials say prisoners are still getting enough calories, but family members and critics say the changes could make prisoners irritable and food a valuable commodity, increasing the possibility of violence.
In Georgia, inmates are still getting the same number of daily calories: 2,800 for men and 2,300 for women. The portions at breakfast and dinner are bigger on days only two meals are served.
Almost 5 percent of the state's 58,295 prisoners still get three meals every day because they are diabetic, pregnant or have other special health needs.
Barbara Helie, whose 25-year-old son Nicholas is serving time for armed robbery in Valdosta State Prison, said he would go hungry without the roughly $60 a week she puts into his account to buy instant soups, cheese, beef sticks and other snacks at the prison commissary.
"I don't know how the guys who don't have someone on the outside helping out handle it," Helie said. "Food has been an ongoing issue for him ... He's hungry a lot."
Georgia's fast-growing prison system -- the fifth-largest in the nation -- has been hit hard by the same budget woes plaguing other states. For the current fiscal year, the state has slashed almost 10 percent from the state Department of Corrections' $1.1 billion budget.
Friday lunches were a casualty of the department's decision to save money on gas and other costs by scaling back the prisoner work week from five eight-hour days to four 10-hour days, said Calvin Brown, Georgia Department of Corrections Deputy Director of Facility Operations. He couldn't say how much the state is saving.
For years now, Georgia prisoners have received only two meals a day on weekends because they don't work, so now the same holds true on Fridays. They get three meals on work days because they are exerting themselves on road crews and litter pick up.
There are no federal minimum caloric standards for state prison systems, though they are encouraged to adhere to guidelines established by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies Food and Nutrition Board. Georgia officials say they follow those guidelines, and Brown said there have been some complaints from inmates and family members but no lawsuits.
In Ohio, prisons director Terry Collins said eliminating breakfast on the weekends and replacing it with brunch "could save us some real dollars when it comes to staffing and food costs."
He said the move would not upset prisoners because it would not sacrifice quality.
"I don't expect them to be as good as mom's home cooking, but the food should be cooked and presented properly," Collins said.
Other states have kept three meals but are scaling back menus. Earlier this month, Alabama reduced the milk and fresh fruit it serves to save $700,000. Alabama inmates now receive an apple or an orange once a week, down from twice a week. Milk has been reduced from seven servings per week to three. Tennessee has also cut back on milk portions for men -- from two servings a day to one -- to save $600,000.
Gordon Crews, a professor at Marshall University in West Virginia, wrote a book looking at correctional violence and said historically there have been links between food and problems behind bars. He pointed to a February riot at the Reeves County Detention Center in Texas caused in part by poor food quality.
"A lot of prisoners will see something like that as some kind of retribution against them or some kind of mistreatment," Crews said. "It'll be something that the correctional staff will pay the price for ... another reason (for inmates) to argue and fight back."
In Georgia, reports of inmate assaults -- on both staff and other inmates -- are up substantially for fiscal year 2009 over the year before, according to data obtained by The Associated Press through an open records request.
Prison officials deny the increase has anything to do with the shrinking menu but didn't provide an explanation.
Sara Totonchi, of the Southern Center for Human Rights, called the elimination of Friday lunch part of a troubling trend of budget cuts in Georgia's correctional system.
"We don't think this is a good idea," she said. "It destabilizes things inside the prison and that is not good for any of the inmates or staff."
Child found in concrete block
What a terrible thing this is. Although they have not identified the body 100%, it is still the body of a child and should be mourned. The problem here is that media and the ignorant people are immediately going after the rSO boyfriend. Ok granted, he has the background for it and thus should be a suspect. However sordid his past maybe though, the real suspect needs to be the mother. I think it will be very interesting when they begin to dig harder into her background and I can only hope they find the whole truth as to her involvement.
DETROIT -- A body discovered in the River Raisin Thursday is believed to be that of a missing 5-year-old Monroe girl.
Nevaeh Buchanan was last seen May 24 in the parking lot of an apartment complex about 35 miles south-southwest of Detroit.
Body Found In River Raison
Timeline: Missing Monroe Girl
Community Reacts To Body Found
Her mother, Jennifer Buchanan, told Local 4 that the Monroe County Sheriff's Department informed her late Thursday evening that they believe the body is her daughter.
Ryan Bickley, 15, told Local 4 that his father, Guy Bickley, and grandfather, Lowell Kirk, were fishing on the river near Ida Maybee Road and spotted a block of poured cement and noticed a bad smell.
At first they said they didn't think much about it. After about 2 hours, Bickley said he kicked the concrete and noticed something.
Bickley said he chipped away a piece of the cement, revealing what appeared to be human skin.
"He called me, and he was hysterical," Ryan Bickley said. "He saw flies around it and that it was starting to crack, and when he bent down the smell got really bad."
Bickley said his father quickly backed away and called police.
The discovery site is about 12 miles from the Charlotte Arms Apartment, where her mother said she was outside playing with a friend when she disappeared.
The sheriff's office will hold a 10:30 a.m. press conference Friday to reveal more details.
The community held a vigil on Thursday.
"I'm not giving up yet. I'm not giving up unless I see the body myself. I am not giving up hope yet because I still feel that she is near me," said Nevaeh's grandmother, Sherry Buchanan.
A local pastor held a small memorial service for Nevaeh bringing the crowd to prayers.
"We know Nevaeh is in heaven now. Nevaeh is in heaven with Jesus right now. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. We know there is no pain right now, no sorrow, only joy."
Friends of Nevaeh also spoke tearfully.
"My son is a total tragic mess because of this. He has missed her every single day she has been gone and now he is going to miss her for the rest of his life."
"It could happen to anybody and we hope it don't happen to anybody else," said Nevaeh's cousin, Shawn Lawson.
There have been no arrests in the case.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Everyone is writing, but noone is doing anything about it.
Interesting writing showcasing the despicable level that we have sunk to as Citizens and members of the human race.
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May 09, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Problems With the Texas Sex Offender Registry
Article provided by Patrick L. Hancock
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Discretion is the hallmark of the criminal justice system in Texas. The laws are written clearly, but the decisions are left to people. Juries are empowered to examine the facts of cases and make responsible decisions regarding guilt and innocence. Judges are trusted to maintain decorum and uphold the laws so that justice can prevail. At all times, participants within the court system are expected to handle difficult and sensitive matters in the interests of fairness and justice.
The Sex Offender Registration Program is the exception to this general principle. Unlike most areas of the criminal justice system, judges are given no discretion whatsoever. Under Texas law, when a person is convicted of a qualifying sex offense he or she is automatically and permanently required to register as a sex offender.
The laws providing for mandatory lifelong sex offender registration are ineffective. For the justice system to live up to its name, judges should be given discretion over the terms of registration.
Texas Sex Offender Registration Laws
Under the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, anyone who is convicted of a sexual offense is required to register with local law enforcement as part of the Sex Offender Registration Program. Depending on the particular crime, the offender must register for 10 years, or for his or her entire lifetime.
The duration of the registration requirement depends entirely upon the crime; once a person is convicted, a judge has absolutely no discretion. The judge cannot decide that the registration period should be limited or that registration is inappropriate under the circumstances. The required registration period is mandated by the relevant statutes.
The Problem With Eliminating Discretion: No Two Cases Are the Same
Some may argue that the lack of discretion leads to equitable treatment; one person convicted of possessing child pornography should be treated the same as any other person convicted of possessing of child pornography. However, in criminal matters the circumstances are always important. No two cases are identical and removing a judge's discretion does not lead to equitable treatment.
For example, consider the case of a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old who are engaged in a consensual sexual relationship. Despite the laws, such relationships are undoubtedly common and rarely draw the attention of Texas courts. However, in the event that the relationship turns sour or results in pregnancy, the 16-year-old may report the encounters as nonconsensual.
In accordance with Texas law, the 18-year-old could be prosecuted for indecency with a child. Indecency with a child is an offense requiring registration; if convicted, the older partner would be required to register for life.
This hypothetical is not intended to undermine the very real threat of sex offense or to suggest that all accusations are false. However, by leaving the judges without any discretion in sentencing, people who truly pose no threat are classified and publicly ostracized with those who are legitimately dangerous. Lifetime registration as a sex offender is a tremendous burden to place on someone for a mistake made at age 18 in a consensual relationship.
An Overinclusive Registry Undermines the Intent of Notification
Furthermore, including this hypothetical 18-year-old ultimately undermines the registry. One of the primary purposes of a sex offender registry is to alert the public to local people who are potentially dangerous. When people who are not truly threatening are included in this database, the registry is overinclusive and becomes less valuable.
If judges had discretion, they could examine the individual circumstances and determine whether a particular offender is likely to commit another offense in the future. Accordingly, the registry could be limited to those who truly threaten others and therefore warrant inclusion.
Alternately, the judge could consider the circumstances and determine whether a shorter registration period might be sufficient, rather than the current lifetime registration requirement. Again, this would alert the public to people who had recently committed sex offenses without including those who haven't committed crimes for decades.
Unfortunately, judges in Texas are not currently given this type of decision making authority; they are beholden to unbending laws. As a result, it is extremely important that anyone accused of any type of sex offense in Texas take these accusations seriously and consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer cannot change the laws, but can take actions to minimize the potential consequences of any accusation.
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