Saturday, October 24, 2009

The inequalities of Sexual Assault

Read two very different articles last night from the news. The first one dealt with a 33 year old female volunteer scout master having "unforced' sex with a 16 year scout. The article named the ACCUSED, placed her picture in the article, and basically proceeded to make all sorts of toned down remarks on the alleged crime. What I found most striking about it, the comments section. People although condemning her actions, or alleged actions were very supportive of the idea of an older female with a late teen boy. Unlike what comments have been in the past when the roles were reversed.

The second article dealt with a 9 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. THe alleged offender, and his alleged victim were neither named, however the coments were much more harsh, calling the 9 year old boy child a monster, terrible, and some even saying that he should be kill "to stop him from ding it again" .

This is troubling. A 9 year old child who probably had limited knowledge of what he was doing is a monster, yet a 33 year old female is just a little mis-understood? How does that work out again?

While I find both behaviors troubling at best, I clearly see the outcome of decades of programming by NOW, Code Pink, et. al. citing the fragility of the female species on one hand, but how they should be giving equal status in the world on the other. A 33 year old male would not have been treated in the same way. In the past, 33 year old men in the same situation are "Monsters", "evil", "perverts"; While females, no matter what the age are "mis-understood", "Abused at home", "seeking to escape from wrongs in her current relationship". Grow the fuck up people. Your misguided, uneducated stance on all things Sexually Related are so infantile it is sickening. Either label all as the same or sit down, and shut the fuck up on the matter.

Most women are more evil in the area of Sexual assault, due to the planning of the assault, their ignoring of multiple parental and adult programming traits, while men are more driven by power and sexual attraction alone.