Friday, May 16, 2008

Hate Groups

Hello and welcome to Friday.

Here's a subject that I really didn't want to talk about. However, after reading a few of their blogs/smears I think something needs to be said. Hate Groups, people that hate us, and supporters of such groups. Extremely dangerous mind-sets these. All comments are anti-SO, which can be understood, however the personal attacks on individuals are a bit over the top.

If some of the comments that are on their sites were geared towards others, they would more than likely be branded as terroristic threats at the least. I understand the fear of under-educated that people might have regarding sexual offenders. I can even see some of the hatred they have for those of us that have been through the system. I do not see however their exposure of the hate towards the families of the R.S.O. and their willingness to put themselves in danger of litigation should something harmful ever become of one of those family members..

Yeah Yeah, They are informing the public of people that are 'soft' on S.O.'s.. whatever floats their boats. However if it can be proven that someone actually acted on something written on their blogs, it could have significant ramifications for them. As as none of them are true journalists, they have lawsuit written all over them.

An accessory to a crime committed is anyone that had knowledge, planning, or actual commission of the crime. I hope they think about that when they decided to post to their personal blogs. Sort of like I think about things before I post to this one.

Until Next Time,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Honesty Revisited

I was re-reading my original post and saw where I made a glaring omission. This is one that should be unspoken form some, but ignored by others. This glaring omission is honesty to yourself.

Honesty to yourself can be composed of many things. I want to touch on two of them now, and if anyone wants to add to these please comment.

Honesty about your crime. If you are an R.S.O. you know that you have committed a crime. A sexual offense of some sort. Whether it be public nudity, or Aggravated Sexual Assault. Each has their degrees of distastefulness to people looking at you. be honest with yourself and come to the reality that, you did this thing. No matter what the crime is, you did it. You were not talked into it, you were not forced into it. You made the decision to conduct yourself in such a way as to place yourself in the situation. You committed the act, and were rewarded with the consequences. There is no one to blame for them but you.

"Streaking is a harmless action"

For you, it might have been, but for the 5 year old child it was a terrible thing, or the 17 year old rape victim, you have just reopened a terrible experience. This is on you, you did it. Take responsibility of it and move forward in fixing yourself.

"But she lied to me" ( I use the female pronoun because it is easier to relate with)

She lied, or did you not want to see the truth, or not care? If you are interacting on their level, you already know the age is not appropriate with yours. And even if she said '18', there are still certain mannerism that can be seen that are not those of an 18 year old. Those are warning signs. I am betting however that it is understood the age is not appropriate, and you chose to ignore it. So take responsibility.

I have no excuses for those of us that have offended against pre-pubescent children. To me there is no excuse for that. My victim was a teen female, and it is hard for me to understand how anyone could offend against small children.

For those that are reading this, and are not offenders there is a difference between Sexual offenders. Pedophiles are those that seek out pre-pubescent children, There is an entirely different classification for those that are attracted to teen-aged children, and again another for offenders who attack adults.

Does the statement above, that I do not understand those that harm small children, make me better than they, of course not, and I say that now and forever. Now today, I can honestly say that I do not have the attraction for teen-aged females as I did when I offended. I understand that noticing teen-aged females that are physically attractive is a normal behavior. I accept that, however what I do with those thoughts are more correctly geared to what I should be thinking. It is not appropriate for me to look at them in a sexual way as to illicit deviant thoughts. I can be honest, and everyone that reads this has to be honest as well.

Those that sexually assault others need to be honest to themselves. We know it isn't about sex so much as about dominating others. Sexual Deviance is truly about power.

Now to speak on another subject relating to this. The use of costumes, S&M style games, and the lot are nothing more than deviant fantasy leading you down to the same levels as sexual offenders. The argument that one is play acting over another, and that both are willing is tired and incorrect. Deviant Sexual acts are another way that people control, or over-power another.

So basically, I wanted to touch on Honesty again. be honest with yourself, and it becomes easier to be honest with others.

until next time,

Civil Duties

Here's a topic that most of us do not think about. your Civil Duty. What's that, I have a Civil Duty? Yes, you do.

Obviously, each person needs to check with their local and state laws involving this, I have and I was quite surprised. There are many things that you can still do regarding your local, state, and federal governments. First and foremost, VOTE! Yes, I said a four letter word, but it is true. Some of us can still vote. Depending on your crime, and the ultimate resolution to it, you may still have the ability to vote. I tell you to do so. Every time you can actually. Voting is an inherent right of most Americans and I encourage you to use that right. Vote for the issues, vote for change. Call your Congressmen when you support or detract for an issue. Watch bills that are being looked at and call. get your family and friends to call as well.

"Oh my god, a sex offender is trying to take over the governmental process!"

No, that is not what I am attempting to do. I am encouraging all people, that have the power to vote, to do so. Do it often, and make your voice count. We as sex offenders sit around worrying about what 'they' are going to do to us. Worry about the new regulations and laws that are passed against us. Do not sit idly by and allow them to do so, without using your voice.

I know alot of you have been noticing laws coming into affect that for any other crime would be stricken down as un-constitutional. The back-dating of laws to include those that committed their crimes long before the enaction of Adam Walsh, or the other laws that they are saddling us with. But they go unchallenged. not because they are Constitutional, but because no one will stand up against them. A relative few people lobby to have these bills added to law, and a relative few can challenge them. pick up the phone, write a letter, tell the governing powers that be that you are STILL here and will no longer stand for the stripping of your rights as an American.

What about Victim's Rights you ask? Victim's Rights were exercised when you were tried and convicted/adjudicated through the Judicial System. They no longer have rights against you (barring court orders) after you have completed your commitment to the State. Advocates will always decry that this isn't true, and that victim's rights should always be used against us. If that is the case, then why do they not decry the rights of the killed or maimed against murderers? or against the victims of DUI? That is where their argument falls apart.

"But that isn't the same, Sexual offenses are the worst, most heinous crimes there are! There is none worse!"

I am sorry, but I must disagree here. The next time you really believe that someone's murdered wife or child is lessor than being a victim of sexual offense please find help. Yes, sexual crimes are terrible things but the taking of someone's life either through willful participation, or by drunken behaviors is the utmost grievous act that you can commit against someone. A sexual victim, although emotionally injured, can still go on and make something more for themselves. The Victim of Murder is gone forever. They do not have the choice to move on with themselves, they have gone from us. For those that truly feel that murder is lessor, again, please seek help for your mental shortcomings.

Sorry for the downer, however it needed to be said. For anyone that does not believe what I said, take a trip down to the local cemetery and look at all of the little graves of the children killed in DUI related crashes, or read the paper and think about a mother or family killed for the price of a TV... That should put it into perspective.

Until next time,


Yes, I know. A word we are told we know nothing about. Honesty is the only thing that you have going for you anymore folks.

Looking at those of our status, we are not trusted. An obvious statement, however it brings a point. Why be dis-honest? We all know what we did. The crimes that we have committed. Be honest about them, talk to your counselors, your priest, your family. Bring it to the forefront of your thoughts and keep it there. Build your support group, and ensure that when you have troubles you talk to them about your troubles.

Now, I am not saying to let others lead you. You are the only person that can lead yourself. You are the responsible person in all of this. Take charge of your life, lead yourself to something better.

The most important thing though, is to be honest with yourself. There are people that will never accept you into their lives again. Some of us have lost everything. No wives, no children, no parents; but this is not forever. You can change this. Just like you ruined it, you can make it better eventually. Make your change positive, and stick with it.

You cannot change the past, and it does no good to sit by and dream that you want to change what you did. There is no way to do that, all that can be done is to move forward in your lives and make a positive impact to yourself and those around you. Some of you that are still in a depressed state will think that a positive thing is to inflict harm upon yourself. That is NOT something positive. Yes, you have committed a terrible act, but compounding that with another terrible act is not a solution. Seek help if you are one of those persons with depression.

Make a difference, change yourself for the better. We are the persons that created this mess, no one else, and because of this, we are the only ones that can move ourselves forward.

take care,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Lies about R.S.O.'s

Yes, there are actually lies about us. You want to hear the biggest lie of all. Most of us are perverted old men, that hide in bushes, waiting on some unsuspecting little girl to walk along so we can grab her.

That has to the most blatant lie there is. Most sexual offenders come from inside the family, or are someone you know. Dads, Uncles, Moms, the Grandparents, Mr Smith at the corner store, the kid's teachers. Yes, the dark evil child molesters that you have been told to fear, are actually yourselves.

Which leads me to another topic. John Walsh, and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. First a word on Mr. Walsh, I have children of my own, and I cannot comprehend that pain, and anguish that you and your family suffered because of the terrible act committed against Adam. I truly am sorry for you, and I hope that one day you might find clarity in all that has happened. With that said sir, understand, I did not do anything against your son.

I have a victim, and I have paid the price for my crime. I, nor anyone else, can undo the harm caused to Adam and your family, so please leave me and my family out of your pain. The Adam Walsh Act is a huge net spread over all sexual offenders and only serves to oppress us. It drives us underground, and makes those on the run even more dark and cold. Some of us, and I hope that most of us, are truly sorry for our actions, and are trying desperately to prove that we are trustworthy. The spreading of lies, and mis-truths only helps to continue to alienate us.

As for the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I must touch on the same as above. Please educate the masses with true information. Stop with Stranger Danger, and teach Americans where the true danger is. Daddy Danger, Mommy Danger. Stop the lies.

Another lie that I think needs to be addressed. There are three great untruthes. Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. Statistics are probably the most manipulated items that are used against sex offenders. While most Americans choose to see and read what the mass media shows you, it is never pointed out that for every research paper with high recidivism rates, there is another by someone just as qualified saying there are very low rates. So who do you believe? Read them yourselves, decide for yourselves.

First Entry

First Entry.

Things to bring to the attention of others. This blog is not condoning past behaviors. It certainly will not sit idly by and allow for present or future deviant behaviors. These will be reported and I will personally hand over any information that I have on any abuse that I see posted here.

This site is one voice in very few that will exist moving forward. This blog is one for the Sexual Offenders that are moving along with their lives. That have learned from their past mistakes, have paid for them, and now wish to be able to move back into a normal life.

This site is NOT a site for haters, flamers, shills, nor 'tards to come along and begin to decry how badly Sex Offenders need to be burned, killed, mutilated, or any other vile stuff. Like it or not, we are your brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, mothers, and fathers. We are over 600,000 strong in the US, and we will not go away simply because you wish it so.

No, what this blog is all about is to allow a place that other Sexual Offenders can leave information about concerns, life changes, and things they are doing to allow them to integrate back into normal life.

I am a registered sexual offender in the US. I have done a terrible act upon another, and work everyday to again reach some level that would make me a valued member of society. I have not sexually offended again, nor do I have the urge to do so any longer. That time in my life was one moment, with terrible consequences. I caused much harm to my parents, my family, and my children by acting out. I will not go to presume what has happened in regards to the person I offended against, that is not what this blog is for.

more later.