Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Lies about R.S.O.'s

Yes, there are actually lies about us. You want to hear the biggest lie of all. Most of us are perverted old men, that hide in bushes, waiting on some unsuspecting little girl to walk along so we can grab her.

That has to the most blatant lie there is. Most sexual offenders come from inside the family, or are someone you know. Dads, Uncles, Moms, the Grandparents, Mr Smith at the corner store, the kid's teachers. Yes, the dark evil child molesters that you have been told to fear, are actually yourselves.

Which leads me to another topic. John Walsh, and the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. First a word on Mr. Walsh, I have children of my own, and I cannot comprehend that pain, and anguish that you and your family suffered because of the terrible act committed against Adam. I truly am sorry for you, and I hope that one day you might find clarity in all that has happened. With that said sir, understand, I did not do anything against your son.

I have a victim, and I have paid the price for my crime. I, nor anyone else, can undo the harm caused to Adam and your family, so please leave me and my family out of your pain. The Adam Walsh Act is a huge net spread over all sexual offenders and only serves to oppress us. It drives us underground, and makes those on the run even more dark and cold. Some of us, and I hope that most of us, are truly sorry for our actions, and are trying desperately to prove that we are trustworthy. The spreading of lies, and mis-truths only helps to continue to alienate us.

As for the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I must touch on the same as above. Please educate the masses with true information. Stop with Stranger Danger, and teach Americans where the true danger is. Daddy Danger, Mommy Danger. Stop the lies.

Another lie that I think needs to be addressed. There are three great untruthes. Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. Statistics are probably the most manipulated items that are used against sex offenders. While most Americans choose to see and read what the mass media shows you, it is never pointed out that for every research paper with high recidivism rates, there is another by someone just as qualified saying there are very low rates. So who do you believe? Read them yourselves, decide for yourselves.

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