Friday, September 19, 2008

Mark Foley -- Case Dropped

Found out today that Mark Foley will no longer be investigated for the inappropriate and illegal activities that he initiated and carried on with a teen-aged Congressional page from Florida. It is reported that Congressional members blocked a government investigation from reviewing computers that are GOVERNMENT OWNED, and on GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. In other words folks. These same individuals that serve up sex offender laws to continue the punishment for US have circumvented their own rules,ethics, and laws that they passed to ensure the Mr. Foley will one day be able to get re-elected. How kind of horse shit is this? We elected these assholes, and it is fair time to remove them from power.

We as American citizens must stand up for our rights. And in this case, we must stand up and begin to take back OUR government. The government of the people..

The Founding fathers have finally, today, finished that turn in their graves. How can we allow this to continue? VOTE VOTE VOTE people, I don't care if you are die hard this or that, vote for the other guy this year. Do not allow these fucks to continue their anal screwing of America any longer. We have seen that the Congress today are not fit to govern. We have given them our trust, and they have shit all over us. Aren't you tired of that? You think I am just ranting a conspiracy theory? Here's CNN's account. Please take a look.

1 comment:

Letsgetreal said...

Posted On Friday, September 19, 2008 at 11:44:00 AM by Editor #1
Labels: Republican, Video

This will make your blood boil!