Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dublin to screen for sex offenders -- read: Bill of Rights? What is a Bill of Rights?

Dublin police couldn't do anything when a registered sex offender was seen volunteering as an Irish history re-enactor in a tent filled with adults and children at this year's Dublin Irish Festival.

Keith S. Culbertson, who pleaded guilty to raping a young boy in 1996, was breaking no laws by being there. Yet some festivalgoers were frustrated that he was allowed to have close contact with young people.

Monday night, Dublin City Council found a solution.

Beginning immediately, Dublin will require that all city employees be checked each year with a national sexual-offender registry. Those found in the registry won't be permitted to work at Dublin's Spooktacular, Independence Day Celebration or Irish Festival.

Culbertson, 40, of 431 Wildberry Lane, was found inside the "10th Century Village" by an Irish festival visitor who called police.

Culbertson was a member of a group that studies and re-enacts Irish history. He was allowed to stay at the festival. His previous restriction prohibited him from living within 1,000 feet of a school.

Culbertson has called his offense a one-time mistake.

But Dublin officials were pressed by residents to do more.

"The public was interested in this and they did let us know," Councilman Tim Lecklider said.

Dublin resident Derek Ochs, father to a 3-year-old, is pleased with the city's actions.

"I am really concerned that they don't let it happen again," said Ochs, who saw Culbertson acting with children. "I'm happy to know that they're definitely checking up on issues.

"What's more interesting to a little kid than going up and learning to sword fight? I'm not even sure I saw their parents around."

A pilot study of nearly 400 volunteers and workers at the Spooktacular event in October found no offenders. The city used that study as a model.

In addition to city employees, city volunteers also will be checked annually. If they are found in violation, they won't be allowed to be a Dublin volunteer at any activity.

Outside groups, such as the one Culbertson belonged to, would be encouraged to conduct sex-offender checks or have Dublin police do so for them.

"We will run those checks on your membership at no cost," city spokeswoman Sandra Puskarcik said. "We want to take away the excuses, if they think they're unable or don't have the time."

The new policy will require about 125 hours of labor a year by various employees. Officials use the U.S. Department of Justice's National Sex Offender Public Web site for the searches.

But the checks can't prevent all possible incidents.

"We cannot guarantee that a sexual offender won't attend something, someday," she said. Visitors aren't subject to background checks.

First, Earth to idiots. Sex Offenders are out in force everywhere, stop trying to feed the fear monster. It makes you look stupid. Second, the statement at the end of the story is ridiculous. "we cannot guarantee ..." Guess what folks, it is NOT illegal for RSO's to attend a festival, just as it is not illegal to attend Church, or be a member of society. Get over yourselves. I hope that anyone that is shut out sues the living shit out of this town, and any town for that matter. It is time to make these assholes pay through the nose when they circumvent our rights as citizens of the United States. Fuck You Dublin Ohio .. I hope your citizens die of a Plague.

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