Wednesday, May 6, 2009

correction Texas S.B. 689

it seems that the pinheads from Plano have gotten their bill through. Senate Bill 22 originally made it illegal NOT to give up your online identifiers, excluding email addresses. Now it seems they substituted extra into the bill, requiring email addresses, as well as game tags and a few other things.

This is where I say Fuck the government.

There is a companion of cshb 22 that is identical..


Anonymous said...

The Texas House unanimously passed SB 689 on Wednesday requiring offenders to now register e-mail addresses, online id's, and cell numbers with the stated goal of protecting children.

AG Abbott stated that with this information they will be able to stop future crimes of known sex offenders who often prey upon innocent victims using these current technologies.

This is MORE BS being spewed upon the Texas taxpayer, and the Texas taxpayers just continue to soak this BS up! The notion that any person who is intent on using a myspace profile or a cell phone to perpetrate a sex offense will TELL the law enforcement agencies the details of the accounts they intend to use when they do so is so ludicrous that it is simply laughable. The Texas taxpayer will now watch as millions of their heard-earned tax dollars are wasted on something that could NEVER stop a crime, and the resources that will be spent on this stupid law will further dilute already stretched-thin resources.

LE agencies have a difficult time even keeping track of residencies. Can you imagine the difficulty they will have verifying e-mail addresses and online id's? This law will only serve to make more difficult the lives of those of us who ARE intent on doing the right things.

My prediction is that this country will see suicide bombers walking into crowded school gyms, lunchrooms, bus stops, and other places where innocent children congregate before this country wakes up and realizes that it cannot continue to push an entire group of some 700,000 people to the edge of society and expect there not to be ramifications. I hope Americans will wake up BEFORE that happens and demand that their lawmakers be more sensible in the laws they create!

S.O. said...

Yes, I was watching this and I agree with you on some parts but disagree on others.

I do agree that the Texas citizenry have fully drank the Kool-Aide and will continue to allow laws just like this one to be passed. No letters inquiring the human costs to the families of rSO's, nor any inquires on why do they wish to destabilize people that have an incredibly low re-offense rate. No, they will continue to allow this sort of thing, all the while believing in their Kool-Aide flavored haze that this is going to stop their children from being the target of sexual exploitation.

What is the most shocking, even when it is published that outside forces are the least of the worries, people continue to believe in the kidnapping, or unknown predator on the street fallacy.

The disagreement that I have with you on this is, there will never be rSO's strapping bombs to themselves and walking into crowded places. In talking to several groups of rSO's, I find that WE are our own worst enemy. Very few of us write our elected officials, even fewer go to city meetings, or talk with others in a one on one situation. If the majority of us are not even forward enough to put themselves out to talk to the elected officials, then as a whole we are way too selfish to die for a cause that would only benefit the greater good.

S.O. said...

One suggestion I would have to anyone reading this. The Utah case of Doe vs Shurtleff defined this almost exactly. In the decision, the District Court found that this was a violation of the First Amendment and thus unenforceable. My suggestion to anyone interested is to contact the Texas ACLU and request they run up a lawsuit on it. I have already, maybe if several others also did the same it would get them to look into something more than open borders type stuff.