Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Congress Talks a Good Game...

But they have not delivered.

Watching CSpan, as I usually do during the day, I found the debate of the 20th anniversary of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 to be fascinating. Not so much on a intellect level, but more of a double speak sort of way. For years we have been hearing this line of protection of the citizens is paramount, it cannot be understated, think of the children, and all of the inaccurate stuff that Congress and the hate groups spew.

I found the debate fascinating due to the statements being made from members of Congress to the points of how heinous it is to put the wants of the masses over those of groups of persons based on factors of that group. It is incredible how they can say this, then say the opposite in regards to sexual offenders. It was even said that INDIVIDUALS should be looked at, and not groups of persons when making intrusive rules and laws. How in the hell can they seriously look themselves in the face in the mirror, when they consistently rubber stamp expost facto laws such as AWA, Megan's law, Jessica's law, et. al.

This is political double speak. I believe that the representatives need to be called on this and questioned on their statements. Below are two of the links that I was listening to. Take a look, go to CSpan, and visit all of the links for the debate. It might leave you with questions...

main link:


Look for Time

15:45 Lungren, Frank

It is very interesting on what both of these Representative state, and then go on to pass legislative that places people on the registry EN MASS. remember that term, then listen to the videos...

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