Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is Ric Keller (R- FL) a tool?

Ric Keller (R-FL) made statements today for the support of the college student financial amendment, which I have no problem with.

What I do have an issue with is his Bullshit lie that he states is wasteful spending of such financial aid. He states that it is a waste of tax dollars to allow Sex Offenders to have access to pell grants. He states that it is wrong to allow sex offenders the opportunity to financial aid due to their crimes. He makes reference that sex offenders should not be allowed access, because other college students have to "flip burgers" to make their college tuition. Well, Mr. TOOL, since you and Congress have relegated Sex Offenders into jobs like flipping hamburgers too, how is it that they are not contributing to the tax base on which the grants are siphoned off of?

Mr. Keller states that there are "zero evidence that violent sexual predators that take algebra and calculus classes have lower recidivism rate.." ..."Prison inmates are likely to repeat their crimes if released back into society."

Sorry, but yes, Mr. Keller is a tool.. and an ignorant tool at that.

It has been clearly shown in all reports that stability, the promise of a better job, the ability to raise a family, ALL contribute to the success of a sex offender and thereby allowing them to have a more positive attitude and NOT re-offend, as the TOOL fails to point out. If you give a Sex Offender the ability to have gainful employment through a college education that leads to a more stable environment. he then goes on to state a story of one of the absolute worst repeat sex offenders and how he raped, went to jail, and then raped again and got committed. Well that is all fine and good Keller, but that person is one of the smallest percentages of sexual offenders and is not typical of the Sex Offender population. DoJ, Washington State, ABEL, etc have all shown that sex offenses by already convicted offenders is rare. 3.2% is the number. 97% of us do no more harm on others. So it looks like you are giving the pell grants to the new 97% of un-registered offenders out there. Grow a brain you freaking moron.

It's time for this guy to find a new career, as lying to the public is not something the State of Florida should allow to continue.

You can find his statements on this matter here:

Time is : 11:30 Mr. Keller.

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